奶油,室溫 1 cup
奶油起司,室溫 6 ounces
中筋麵粉 2 cups
厚片火腿,切成小丁 1 塊
瑞士起司絲 1 cup
冷凍碎菠菜,退冰,瀝乾 ¼ cup
蛋 2 顆
一半一半鮮奶油* 1 cup
鹽 ¼ teaspoon
1. 在一個大碗公裡,將室溫的奶油和奶油起司打拌均勻,再加麵粉打到勻。全部倒出到來桿成一片 1/8 inch 的皮後,拿適當大小的小碗或是小杯子蓋出圓型小麵皮,將小麵皮推進 瑪芬烤盤中弄成一個杯型。
2. 將火腿小丁,菠菜和起司全灑到小麵皮杯中,不要太多不然吃不到蛋。
將蛋,和半半奶油 (Half and Half cream) 和鹽打到一個量杯中,倒入小麵皮杯中。
3. 用375度考 大約18-22 分鐘,或是烤到金黃。
份量: 3 打
Mini Quiches
For Dough
Unsalted Butter,Softened 1 cup
Cream Cheese, softened 6 oz
All-purpose flour 2 cups
For Filling:
Thick slice ham, cut small cubes 1 slice
Shredded Swiss cheese 1 cup
Frozen chopped spinach, thawed,drained ¼ cup
Eggs 2 pieces
Half and half cream 1 cup
Salt ¼ teaspoon
Dash (Cayenne pepper)
1. In a large bowl, beat the butter, cream cheese and flour until smooth. Shape tablespoonfuls of dough into balls; press onto the bottom and up the sides of greased miniature muffin cups.
2. Sprinkle ham, Swiss cheese, and chives into muffin cups. In a small bowl, beat eggs, cream, salt and pepper until blended. Pour into shells.
3. Bake at 375 for 18-22 minutes or until browned.
Yield: 3 Dozen