最近瘋狂迷上了杯子蛋糕,是情人節嘛,就做有愛心的吧!! 我在烤這個蛋糕的時候,我家天才媽咪跑進來廚房聞東聞西,說好香,有蛋和香草的味道。那當然,蛋是我家穀姑姑生的,香草精是進口精品,當然香啦!! 更棒的是,這時杯子蛋糕正在空心架上放涼,等不及的媽咪,馬上拿了一個走了,我叫她等一下,抹了一把奶油糖霜在蛋糕上,心裡祈禱蛋糕已經涼夠了,不要讓奶油糖霜融了掉滿地,還好,沒融!! 一向不喜歡吃甜食的媽咪,還回來要拿了第2個杯子蛋糕,不客氣的自己抹了一大杓奶油糖霜。我家爸媽一向誠實,又挑嘴難纏,但是今天媽咪還跟我說,這個杯子蛋糕又好吃又漂亮,100分!! 我又開心的差點跳上天花板,心花怒放!!
份量: 2 打
低筋麵粉 245 克
中筋麵粉 175 克
白砂糖 350 克
泡打粉 1 大匙
鹽 ¾ 小匙
無鹽奶油,切丁 230 克
蛋 4 顆
酸奶 100 克
全脂牛奶 185 克
香草精 1 小匙
甜蜜香草奶油糖霜 1 配方
各色糖果裝飾 適量
1. 預熱烤箱 350°F/180°C. 在一個馬氛烤盤中放入馬氛烤盤紙,可以挑選適合各個不同節日的圖案。
2. 將A料量入大盆中,稍稍攪拌均勻,再加入軟化的無鹽奶油丁下去一起攪拌一下,到所有的奶油丁都有裹上麵粉,稍稍打的小塊一些。
3. 將剩餘的B材料全量入另一盆中,用叉子攪拌一下,分3次加入乾料中打勻,不要過度攪拌,不然蛋糕會變麵包的!!!
4. 將拌好的麵糊放入馬氛杯烤盤中,大約 2/3 分滿,進烤箱烤 19分鐘,拿出調頭,再繼續烤 5-6 分鐘,烤到一隻竹籤插入中間出來不帶麵糊,就是熟了!! 放空心架完全冷卻。
5. 拿一隻冰淇淋挖杓,挖一球甜蜜香草奶油糖霜,放到杯子蛋糕的上面,再裝飾!!
Sweet Vanilla Cupcake
I love this cupcake. It tastes like the one I’m craving from Kara’s Cupcakes in San Francisco. I’m happy. Happy Valentine’s day everyone!!!
A Ingredients
Cake flour 1¾ cups
All-purpose flour 1¼ cups
Sugar 1½ cups
Baking powder 1 tablespoon
Salt ¾ teaspoon
B Ingredients
Unsalted butter, cubed, soften 1 cup
Eggs 4
Sour cream 1/3 cup
Whole milk ¾ cup
Pure vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
C Ingredients
Sweet vanilla buttercream icing 1 recipe
Sprinkles for decoration to taste
1. Preheat oven 350°F/180°C. Line a muffin baking pan with muffin liners.
2. Measure all A ingredients into a mixing bowl, mix well. Add the softened butter cubes to mix until the butter cubes are slightly smaller and coated with flour.
3. Measure the rest of B ingredients into another mixing bowl, beat with a fork, add to batter in three batches. Do not overmix.
4. Pour the batter into the lined muffin cups, around 2/3 full. Bake in the oven for 19 minutes, rotate the baking pan so it bakes evenly, bake an additional 5-6 minutes until golden brown or a tester inserted into center comes out clean. Let cool in pan for 5 minutes, then remove the cupcakes from muffin pan, place on wire rakes to cool completely before apply icing.
5. Using an ice cream scoop, top one huge scoop of buttercream onto the cupcake, decorate!!!
Serving: 2 dozen