我上個禮拜在舊金山吃到一個我念念不忘了杯子蛋糕,回洛城後吃不到了,只好自己動手做做看,有沒有辦法找到那個味道了!!! 這個奶油糖霜跟我吃到的味道很像,一定要用高品質的香草精才有這種特殊的香氣喔! 我把我用的這罐也拍了照片,貼上來。這罐是沒有加酒的純香草精喔!!!
份量: 6 杯
白砂糖 260 克
蛋白 7 顆
鹽 1 小撮
無鹽奶油,切丁 575 克
香草精 2 小匙
1. 將A材料量入一小鋼盆或是玻璃盆中,隔水加熱,要不段攪拌,除了要讓糖融化之外,也能避免變炒蛋。加熱到160°F/71°C,就離火。
2. 將加熱後的A料倒入攪拌機的鋼盆中,用高速打10分鐘,到蛋白霜有像珍珠一樣的光亮色澤,這時蛋白霜應該不燙了。
3. 把攪拌機轉中速,慢慢分多次加入所有切了丁的奶油,不要一次倒完,容易分家。加完後繼續攪拌到有鮮奶油糖霜的感覺,光滑柔順。
4. 加入香草精打勻,就可以馬上用了。不馬上用的話,冷藏。
Sweet Vanilla Buttercream
This is a great buttercream recipe. Do use good pure vanilla extract to get the maximum benefit. I use the Nielsen-Massey pure vanilla extract. This one does not say bourbon on it. The smell of vanilla was so strong while baking, draw a lot of attention!!!
A Ingredients
Sugar 1 1/3 cup
Eggs whites 7 pieces
Salt pinch
B Ingredients
Unsalted butter, softened, cubed 5 sticks
Vanilla extract 2 teaspoon
1. Measure all A ingredients into a steel or glass bowl, set over a pot of boiling water to double boil. Stir while heating to avoid scrambling the egg whites. Keep heating until a thermometer reads 160°F/71°C.
2. Pour the heated A ingredients into the bowl of a standing mixer. Beat on high speed for 10 minutes until stiff peak form with pearly shine. The buttercream should be barely warm at this point.
3. With the mixer on medium speed, add the cubed butter in many little batches. After adding all the butter, continue beating until the buttercream has the consistency of whipped cream, smooth and shiny.
4. Beat in the vanilla extract until blended, use immediately, or refrigerate for later use.
Serving: 6 Cups