

其實拿罐頭煮意大利麵也可以煮的很像餐廳裡賣的喔,大家試試!! 這道意大利麵大家都說好吃耶,不過我和我家老爺吃完就跑健身房運動了!




份量: 4 人份


A 材料

雞胸肉, 切塊                        1

鹽與黑胡椒粉                         適量



橄欖油                                  2 大匙

蒜頭, 切片                            3

紅洋蔥丁                             ½

蘑菇, 切片                            2

馬莎拉酒                              ¼

斜管義大利麵, 煮熟, 瀝乾   4

意式白醬罐頭                      1

巴西里屑                             ¼

帕米香起司粉                     ¼

鹽與黑胡椒粉                         適量



1.  A材料拌勻靜置10分鐘

2. 起炒鍋加熱橄欖油, 爆香蒜頭和紅洋蔥丁後, 放入雞肉炒至7 分熟, 倒入蘑菇一起炒軟, 再倒入馬莎拉酒, 收汁到一半就可以將煮好的斜管麵下鍋一起炒勻, 再放意式白醬罐頭拌勻, 這時如果太乾可以加一些剛才煮過義大利麵的湯汁, 灑上巴西里屑和帕米香起司粉, 鹽與黑胡椒粉, 再將鍋蓋蓋上悶半分鐘, 之後就可以關火。

3. 盛盤時, 再多灑一些帕米香起司粉在最上面, 趁熱吃。

Food Pix50.jpg Food Pix51.jpg  



 甜酒蘑菇義大利麵    DSC04701.Copy.jpg

 甜酒蘑菇義大利麵    烤蘆筍照燒意麵



Mushroom Alfredo Pasta


A Ingredients

Chicken breast, cut chunks      1 cups

Salt and black peper                 to taste


B Ingredients

Olive oil                                      2 tablespoon

Garlic, chopped                           3 heads

Red onion, chopped                   ½ cup

Mushroom, sliced                       2 cups

Sweet Marsala wine                  ¼ cup

Penne pasta, cooked, drained     4 cups

Canned Alfredo sauce                1 can

Parsley, chopped                         ¼ cup

Parmesan cheese powder            ¼ cup

Salt and pepper to taste




1. Mix A Ingredients, let sit 10 minutes

2. Heat up the olive oil in a wok, cook the garlic slices and chopped red onion until fragrant, then put in the chicken breast chunks, cook till medium, put in the mushroom slices, cook till softened, pour in the Sweet Marsala wine, reduce the stock down to half, then put the cooked penne into the wok, stir, then put in the canned Alfredo sauce and parsley flakes, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper, loosen the pasta with some penne cooking water if too thick, put the lid on for about 30 seconds, remove from heat.  

3. Sprinkle some more Parmesan cheese on top, serve hot. 


Servings: 4



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