

從小就很喜歡吃菜市場的烤布丁,媽媽每次買了果凍的布丁我就會綁白布條抗議,現在自己會做了,就不用綁白布條啦!! 哈哈~


分量: 4



白砂糖                75


熱水                    20

楓糖威士忌         ½ 小匙(沒有可用香草精)



牛奶                 410

白砂糖               90




蛋黃                            1

動物性鮮奶油          50



1. 預熱烤箱 325°F/160°C

2. 準備 4-6 個可以進烤箱的小杯子,洗淨擦乾後,噴點油。再將這些小杯子放入一個高一點的烤盤中。

3. 開始燒一鍋熱水,目測大約可以裝滿烤盤,到小杯子一半的高度。

4. A材料的白砂糖和20克冷水一起放入一個小鍋子中,用中小火慢慢煮到有咖啡色出來,馬上熄火,將香香濃濃的20克的熱水和楓糖威士忌,倒入一起攪拌。讓焦糖不會變成硬塊。將拌好的焦糖,均分倒入準備好的小杯子裡。

5. 加熱B材料到沸騰前關火,將C材料在一個大盆中用打蛋器打勻,再一面用打蛋器攪拌,一面慢慢加入B料,不要加太快不然會變炒蛋。再將動物性鮮奶油加入打勻,再將蛋液過篩,確定內部沒有顆粒。

6. 將準備好的蛋液均分入小杯子中,將方才準備的熱水倒入烤盤中,大約到杯子一半的高度,就可以進烤箱烤約25-30分鐘。

7. 出爐後,將小杯子拿出烤盤放全涼,再放冰箱,食用前稍微用小刀在邊緣劃一刀,將布丁倒扣到小盤子中,即可食用了。









Maple Caramel Flan

Crown Royal Maple is truly a love at first sniffle.  It has such a luscious flavor I’ve used it in countless dishes since my first discovery, even Tiramisu!!!

This is one of my most requested recipes, even the owner of the neighborhood liquor shop, the one who sold me the 2nd bottle of Crown Royal Maple, wants some, too!!! 


A Ingredients

Sugar                          1/3 cup

Water                             4 teaspoon

Hot water                       4 teaspoon

Crown Royal Maple      ½ teaspoon(optional)


B Ingredients

Milk                    1 2/3 cup

Sugar                       ½ cup


C Ingredients

Egg                                    5 piece

Egg yolk                            1 piece

Heavy whipping cream    ½ cup



1. Preheat oven to 325°F/160°C

2. Prepare 4-6 little oven-safe ceramic cups, spray with cooking spray.  Then place these cups into a big roasting pan.

3. Boil a hot of water, the hot water should come half way to the molds in roasting pan.

4. In a small sauce pan, heat the A 75g sugar and 20 g of cold water until the edge is medium/dark amber color.  Remove from heat and whisk in 4 teaspoon of hot water and ½ tsp of Maple Whisky.

5. Heat B ingredients until almost boiling.  Beat C ingredients in a big bowl until pale yellow.  Add the hot B ingredients into C in a steady stream while beating.  Don’t add too fast or the eggs will scramble.  Next, beat in the heavy whipping cream.  Sift the custard to make sure no scramble eggs. 

6. Divide the egg custard evenly into molds.  Pour the hot water into the roasting pan, water should come up to half way of the baking molds.  Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes

7. Remove the roasting pan from oven and let cool 15-20 minutes before serving.  Run a knife around the edges to release the flan, then invert it onto a small dessert plate.  Can also be served cold after refrigeration.  Keep in flan mold in frig for about a week.


Servings: 6

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