如果有人問Bella我,格子裡哪幾個料理是最喜歡的,這個無疑是其中的一個,好吃程度一百分!! 真的要形容的話,有點像芝麻奶酥口味的大甲奶油酥餅,但是又比那個的口感要好。大甲奶油酥餅吃起來有點太甜,太膩,不會唰嘴,這個奶酥燒餅雖然有點搞剛,但是一兩個小時就可以搞定的啦,找幾個好朋友一起,在廚房裡,一個下午,吃吃喝喝笑笑就做完了,將來如果有開店,一定要把這個奶酥燒餅加入下午茶的點心項目裡!!! 前兩天媽媽要去老人中心訪問,我一大早起來幫她做了兩打呢!! 拍影片那天,也做了兩個配方,到晚上只有剩下一個燒餅,真不知都哪裡去了~
份量: 1 打
I.前晚準備: 老麵麵團
乾酵母 ¼ 小匙(滿滿圓圓的一匙)
溫水(105-115°F) 40 克
中筋麵粉 60 克
鹽 1 小撮
1. 將A材料攪拌均勻,靜置5分鐘。
2. 將A和B材料混合,揉成光滑的麵團,蓋上保鮮膜密封,室溫發酵約8-10小時,或是放冰箱冷藏發酵隔天,拿出來要稍稍回溫一下。
II. 油皮材料
老麵 以上配方全部
中筋麵粉 100 克
糖粉 20 克
花生油 40 克
冷水 50~55 克
低筋麵粉 100g
花生油 40 g
IV. 奶酥餡料
奶油 50 克
白油(或乳瑪琳) 50 克
糖粉 85 克
鹽 1/8 小匙
蛋液 10 克
奶粉 100 克
1. 將C材料打勻,一面打一面徐徐加入D材料的蛋液。
2. 打勻後再將奶粉打進去,不要過度攪拌。
3. 將奶酥餡拿出揉成團,分成12等份,再揉成小圓球,蓋保鮮膜放冰箱備用。
V. 芝麻料
白芝麻,炒香 1 杯
1. 預熱烤箱 350°F/180°C。將油皮麵團分成12等份,各滾圓成小圓球,蓋上保鮮膜休息15-20分鐘備用。
2. 拿一個油皮麵團,包一個油酥麵團進去,在底下捏緊,稍稍搓圓。
3. 將包了油酥的麵團,接縫在下,用手壓扁,再用桿麵棍揉開成橢圓形,翻過來,讓接縫面朝上,由尖的那邊捲起。
4. 接縫朝下,用手壓扁,再用桿麵棍桿開,翻過來,讓接縫面朝下,再由尖的那邊捲起。
5. 接縫面朝上,將麵團用手指攔腰壓扁,捏成一個球狀,光滑面在外,接縫在裡,滾圓。
6. 將麵團用手壓扁,用擀麵棍從邊邊趕到中間,桿成一塊中間厚一點,邊邊薄一點的麵皮,包入一個奶酥餡球,用手指在底下接縫處捏緊閉合,放在桌上,接縫朝下,稍稍搓圓,用掌心輕輕壓扁,到原來一半的高度。
7. 將麵團表面刷上清水,將濕的那面按入裝滿芝麻的小碗中,沾滿芝麻,拿出放在桌面上,接縫在下,桿開成橢圓型燒餅狀,放入鋪了烤盤紙的烤盤上,放入烤箱,烤約16-18 分鐘。出爐後在空心架上放涼。喜歡硬脆一些的可以多烤2-3分鐘,我喜歡軟軟的像老婆餅一樣的,所以不烤太久。
Butter Pastry
This recipe is one of my all time favorites. It took me years to perfect. Hope you like it!
I. Dough Starter (prepare the night before or at least 8 hours before)
A Ingredients
Dry yeast rounded ¼ teaspoon
Warm water ((105-115°F) 40 g
B Ingredients
All purpose flour 60 g
Salt pinch
1. Mix A ingredients, let rest 5 minutes.
2. Mix A and B ingredients until and knead until smooth, cover and let rest in room temperature around 8-10 hours. (any longer, put the dough in the frig, let sit at room temp for 30 minutes before using)
II. Pastry Wrapper
Dough Starter the above recipe
All purpose flour 100 g
Powdered sugar 20 g
Peanut oil 40 g
Cold water 50~55 g
1. Mix all the ingredients by hand, or with an electronic mixer until smooth, around 5-8 minutes. Cover and let rest 20-30 minutes.
III. Pastry Dough
Cake flour 100 g
Peanut oil 40 g
Sift the flour then add the oil, mix until blended. Divide the dough into 12 equal portions, cover and set aside.
IV. Buttered dough
C Ingredients
Butter 50 g
Shortening(or margarine) 50 g
Powdered sugar 85 g
Salt 1/8 g
D Ingredients
Eggs, slightly beaten 10 g
Powdered milk 100 g
1. Blend all C ingredients together. Beat in the D eggs until blended.
2. Add the powdered milk, mix just until blended in, no loose powder.
3. Divide the dough into 12 equal portions, roll into balls, cover and refrigerate until ready to use.
V Combine
Sesame, white, toasted 1 cup
1. Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C. Divide the bread dough into 12 equal portions, roll into balls, cover and let rest for 20-30 minutes.
2. Take a bread dough, push an oil dough into the center, pinch at the bottom, roll it to make a round shape.
3. Seam side down, press down with your hand, roll the dough out into about the size of your hand. Flip over, seam up side, roll up from the short side.
4. Seam side down, press down with your hand, then roll the dough out into the length of your hand, flip over, seam side up, roll up from the short side.
5. Seam side up, press down with a finger in the middle of the seam side, then gather the side and pinch towards the center to make a ball. Flip over, seam side down.
6. Press down the ball into half the height, using a rolling pin, roll from the outside towards the inside to create a thick in the center, thin on the outside UFO shaped dough, Wrap a butter ball into the center on the seam side, pinch tightly on the bottom to seal. Put the ball, seam side down on the working surface, using both of your hands to make it as round as possible. Then press down the ball again into about half the height.
7. Brush the top with water, then press the wet side down into a bowl filled with white sesame. Take out and put the dough onto the working surface again, sesame side up. Roll with a rolling pin into a long oval shape about the size of your palm. Place the dough onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Repeat with others and put the baking sheet into the oven for 16-18 minutes or until golden brown. If you like a crispier finish you can bake an additional 2-3 minutes. Remove to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in air tight containers.
Servings: 1 dozen