烤雞晚餐其實應該是很高級的,可惜現代人烤雞在超級市場一整隻烤好的,買回家擺上桌就有了所以感覺不夠特別。這天和我家媽咪在超市看到零售的兩隻雞,就抱回家,想了想,就做烤雞吧!! 媽咪也沒意見,只要她不用動手,我要做啥她都好!! 那個烤雞醬她後來一直說好吃,問我怎麼做的,媽咪呀!! 妳幫我拍影片時都在打盹兒嗎?
份量: 6-8 人份
雞 1 隻
新鮮迷迭香,切碎 2 大匙 (可用 2 小匙乾的)
奧勒岡,切碎 2 大匙 (可用 2 小匙乾的)
橘皮屑 1 ½ 小匙
檸檬皮屑 1 ½ 小匙
鹽 1 小匙
洋蔥粉 1 小匙
蒜頭粉 1 小匙
黑胡椒粉 1 小匙
橄欖油 ¼ 杯
C 材料
白酒或紅酒 ½ 杯
麵粉 1 大匙
橘子果醬 2 大匙
鹽與黑胡椒粉 適量
1. 將所有香料全放入一碗中,倒入橄欖油做成抹醬。
2. 全雞洗淨擦乾,將碗中的香料均勻的抹在雞皮上,放到有烤架的烤盤中,用綁粽子的繩子將雞腿綁交叉,雞翅綁在雞身上,將剛才切剩的檸檬和橘子切四塊,加上剩下的迷迭香,也一起放入烤盤中。
3. 雞肉每一磅大約是烤15-20 分鐘,350 度,所以我這隻五磅多的雞就烤了 100 分鐘,記得每30分鐘拿出來用刷子沾滴下來的雞油再抹到雞皮上。(*半公斤約是一磅,所以每半公斤烤15-20分鐘)
4. 將烤盤放回爐頭上,盤中的大塊檸檬撿出來,開中小火,倒入酒煮一下,一面用橡皮刮刀把烤盤底的小碎碎刮下來,等酒精差不多揮發後,將雞汁過濾倒入一碗中。
5. 另拿一小鍋,倒入一大匙雞汁,熱了後倒入麵粉,炒一下到融化,接著一面攪拌,一面再徐徐加入雞汁,再將橘子果醬融化到醬裡,要是太稠,可再加點雞湯或水,試試味道,加點鹽與黑胡椒粉。
Crispy Rotisserie Chicken
A Ingredients
Chicken, whole 1 head
B Ingredients
Rosemary, minced 2 tablespoon (or 2 teaspoon dried)
Oregano, minced 2 tablespoon (or 2 teaspoon dried)
Orange zest 1 ½ teaspoon
Lemon zest 1 ½ teaspoon
Salt 1 teaspoon
Onion powder 1 teaspoon
Garlic powder 1 teaspoon
Ground black pepper 1 teaspoon
Olive oil ¼ cup
C Ingredients
White or Red wine ½ cup
Flour 1 tablespoon
Orange marmalade 2 tablespoon
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Place all the B ingredients in a mixing bowl to make a rub.
2. Rinse the chicken under water and pat dry. Rub the herb rub evenly onto the chicken. Then place the chicken onto a baking pan with wire racks. Tie the chicken with kitchen twine to make it more presentable. Quarter the lemon and orange used for zest, place into the baking pan with the chicken.
3. A rotisserie chicken should be baked at 350 for 15-20 minutes per pound. Baste the chicken with pan dropping every thirty minutes.
4. Place the baking pan back onto the stove, pick out the food debris. Turn the stove on to medium low, add the wine to deglaze the pan, cook until the alcohol is evaporated. Drain the pan sauce into another bowl.
5. In a separate sauce pan, add one tablespoon of the sauce, add the flour when it’s sizzling. Sauté the flour until the raw taste is gone, then add the rest of the pan sauce while stirring. When it’s incorporated, add the orange marmalade to melt. If the sauce is too thick, add more chicken stock or water. Salt and pepper to taste.
Serving: 6-8