份量: 4 人份 (8 顆)
橄欖油 1 大匙
牛絞肉 200 克
蒜泥 1 小匙
孜然粉 1 小匙
辣椒粉 ¼ 小匙
洋蔥粉 1 小匙
辣椒籽片 ½ 小匙
鹽與黑胡椒粉 適量
白玉米薄餅皮 8 片
油 2 杯
生菜絲 1 杯
巧達起司絲 ½ 杯
黑橄欖片 ¼ 杯
公雞醬 ½ 杯
莎莎醬 ½ 杯
1. 在一淺油鍋中,加熱A材料的橄欖油,加入牛絞肉和蒜泥炒香,盡量用鍋鏟把牛絞肉壓碎,再加入剩下的A材料調味,約再煮3分鐘。
2. 將B材料的油在一淺鍋中加熱,若家中沒有溫度計,可以用一隻筷子伸進油中看有沒有起泡泡,有泡泡就是夠熱了。有溫度計的話,是350°F/180°C。
3. 拿一張薄餅,在中心舀上一排A肉醬,折成半圓型,到油鍋中炸至成型後,再繼續炸左右兩邊,到薄餅皮變成脆脆的餅乾狀,而肉醬變的乾乾的。
4. 趁熱,在薄餅中夾入生菜絲,巧達起司絲,黑橄欖片,公雞醬和莎莎醬。
鮮魚塔果 玉米豆丁夾餅
Nana’s Tacos
My good friend, Jason’s mother Andra, taught me how to make Nana’s famous taco.
I asked Andra to teach me how to make a good taco because it’s his favorite dish. I wanted to learn how to make this for him. He loves his mother’s tacos, he told me. Eight years later, all I have left is a broken heart and a good taco recipe….
A Ingredients
Olive oil 1 tablespoon
Beef, ground ½ lb
Garlic, minced 1 teaspoon
Cuming, ground 1 teaspoon
Chili powder ¼ teaspoon
Onion powder 1 teaspoon
Red hot chili pepper ½ teaspoon
Salt and black pepper to taste
B Ingredients
White corn tortilla 8 slices
Oil 2 cups
C Ingredients
Lettuce, Shredded 1 cup
Cheddar cheese,Shredded ½ cup
Black olive, sliced ¼ cup
Pico de gallo ½ cup
Hot Salsa ½ cup
1. In a shallow frying pan, add the olive oil in A ingredients, add the ground beef and minced garlic to pan, cook until done. Try to break up the bigger pieces with spatula. Then add the rest of the A ingredients to pan, cook for an additional couple of minutes.
2. Heat the oil in B ingredients in a shallow frying pan, 350°F/180°C, or until bubbles form when wooden stick insert into oil.
3. Scoop some meat sauce onto a white corn tortilla, fold into half moon shape, dip the bottom into the hot oil until crispy, then fry the other two sides in turns until crispy, too.
4. While the taco’s hot, add the shredded lettuce, shredded cheddar cheese, sliced black olive, Pico de Gallo, and Hot Salsa.
Serving: 4