這個餅乾做完拍好一直沒有機會上到格子裡來,是去年感恩節前,拍完芝麻燒餅之後接著拍的,那天乾媽Michelle 到家裡來,一起拍芝麻燒餅的影片,順便做些貼心的小餅乾。這個餅乾平時吃下午茶的時候也是很好的茶點,一次吃不完可以放玻璃罐裡密封起來,慢慢吃!! 多吃點雜糧類的也可以排膽固醇油脂的,大家有空試試喔!!
份量: 2 打
奶油,室溫 150 克
紅糖 115 克
蛋 1 顆
中筋麵粉 200 克
黑芝麻 1 大匙
白芝麻 1 大匙
亞麻子 1 小匙
粗糖 1 大匙
1. 將A材料混合打發,再將蛋也打進奶油中,加入中筋麵粉,輕輕攪拌到勻了,再加入黑白芝麻和亞麻子,用手搓成一個長方條型麵團。將麵團用保鮮膜包緊,放冰箱冷藏一個小時。
2. 預熱烤箱 375°F/190°C,將預定要用的烤盤鋪上烤盤紙。
3. 麵團拿出後用刀切片,約半公分,放到烤盤紙上,灑些粗糖在最上面。
4. 入烤箱烤約 13 分鐘 到金黃,出爐後空心架放涼,密封罐收藏。
巧克力核桃餅乾 鬆餅粉做餅乾
Multi-Grain Tea Cookies
Lately there’s been so many news about the benefits of multi-grains and fiber. So I’ve invented this cookie for this holiday season. It’s super crispy and tasty, perfect as a family treat or gifts from the kitchen. The seeds can be changed into other left over seeds from your pantry. Package these cookies in clear jars or cello bags and tie a ribbon to make the most delicious gifts ever. Enjoy!!
A Ingredients
Butter, room temp 150 g
Brown sugar 115 g
B Ingredients
Egg 1 piece
All-Purpose flour 200 g
Black sesame 1 tablespoon
White sesame 1 tablespoon
Flax seeds 1 teaspoon
Raw sugar 1 tablespoon
1. Beat A ingredients together until fluffy, then beat in the egg. Using a rubber spatula, fold in the flour and all 3 seeds. Using hands, form the mixture into a dough, wrap with plastic wrap and chill in refrigerator for 1 hour.
2. Preheat oven to 375°F/190°C, line the baking sheets with parchment paper.
3. Slice the dough into ¼ inch thin slices, place onto baking sheets, sprinkle with raw sugar on top.
4. Bake in the oven for around 13 minutes until golden brown, let cool a few minutes before removing the cookies with a spatula to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in air tight containers.
Serving: 2 dozen