過年過節的,美國人最喜歡烤一大塊牛肋排放桌上全家一起享用,Nana的生日,我也給她烤了一塊,老人家很喜歡,也知道哪個部份最好吃,一開口說要那塊我就知道這是行家! 要我也想要的那塊! 不過吃歸吃,配菜也很重要,大餐一定要有四季豆在桌上,因為這豆子可以幫助消化,不會有吃了一堆東西通通卡在肚子裡,隔天還很飽的感覺! 這樣的大餐我也一定會上個餐前沙拉,酸酸的幫助開胃,吃一些蔬菜先墊底也比較不會傷胃! 蔬菜裡的纖維質也會幫助消化,在胃裡把肉肉的大餐帶著下去!!!
份量: 8 人份
牛肋排(約6磅) 1 塊
鹽 2 大匙
黑胡椒粉 1 大匙
1. 前一天晚上,將牛肋排洗淨擦乾,整塊灑上鹽與黑胡椒粉。
2. 將牛肋排整塊放入冰箱,不要蓋,要讓表面風乾,這樣烤的時候才會把好滋味留在裡面。
3. 烤之前6-8 個小時,拿出來放室溫。
4. 預熱烤箱 450°F,將牛肋排放在一個有架子的深烤盤裡,烤20分鐘,接下來溫度降為350°F,再烤約90分鐘,直到溫度計插到中央讀數是 125°F-135°F (半熟),要全熟的話,再烤個20分鐘。
5. 出爐後蓋上鋁箔靜置30分鐘,才可以切食。
Roast Prime Rib
Prime rib roast (around 6 lbs) 1 roast
Salt 2 tablespoon
Black pepper, ground 1 tablespoon
1. The night before, wash the rib roast and pat dry, sprinkle the whole roast with salt and pepper.
2. Place the seasoned roast into the frig, uncovered. This is to create a “dry aged” effect. The surface of the roast will become dry and it will create a perfect surface for the roast while baking, retain all the good flavors inside the roast.
3. 6-8 hours before baking, take the roast out of the frig and place in room temp.
4. Preheat the oven 450°F, place the rib roast in a baking pan with wire rack, bake 20 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 350°F, and bake an additional 90 minutes, or until the thermometer inserted into the center registered 115°F-120°F for rare, and 125°F-135°F for Medium.
5. Cover the roast with aluminum foil and let sit 30 minutes before carving.
Serving: 8