

去長毛象湖的時候,我家老爺的媽媽帶了一堆冷凍雞胸肉,早餐吃完了後,這媽媽就問我們中午要不要喝她做的雞湯。我們當然點頭說好,能讓她有事做,再好不過! 結果她轉頭一開冰箱,馬上想起沒有帶任何蔬菜來,就說她不能做了,有點失望的樣子,這媽媽就說,雞肉隨便我去怎麼煮了!! 好吧,來小試一下身手,看我能不能在沒有特定材料的情況下,煮出一碗美味雞湯。小時候總是覺得我家媽媽好神奇,廚房裡什麼都沒有,只要我家媽媽這位魔法師一到,不久就有熱騰騰好吃的佳餚上桌了!! 這碗湯,就當做是我自己的考驗吧!! 高纖維的野稻米和深綠的蔬果也有祝體內排毒排油的功能,夏天喝能減輕身體負擔,美味加分!!


份量: 4 人份



雞胸肉                 2

鹽與黑胡椒粉        適量



奶油                      1 大匙

麵粉                      1 大匙


蕃茄糊(paste)        1

蕃茄辣椒罐頭       1

野稻米                   1

花椰菜                   2

小甜青豆               1

鹽與黑胡椒粉          適量



1. 預熱烤箱 375°F。將A材料的雞胸肉灑上鹽與黑胡椒粉,放到烤盤上進烤箱烤35分鐘,拿出烤箱後靜置10分鐘,用刀切成大丁,與烤盤裡的雞湯放入一碗中備用。

2. 拿一大湯鍋加熱B材料的奶油,融化後加入麵粉,稍炒一下到沒有生麵粉味,一面攪拌,一面將水徐徐加入,這樣水和油粉才會融合,不分離。

3. 水加完後,再拌入蕃茄糊和蕃茄辣椒罐頭,拌勻後再加入野稻米,蓋上鍋蓋煮約10-15分鐘,要常常攪拌,注意水量,看需不需要加水。

4. 米煮熟了後,再加入A材料備用的雞肉丁和湯,煮滾了再加入花椰菜煮滾,注意加了花椰菜後不要煮太久,蔬菜會太軟,煮滾後馬上加入小甜青豆,鹽與黑胡椒粉調味,2-3分鐘就可以關火了。



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   低卡蔬菜濃湯          野稻雞絲奶油濃湯


High Fiber Chicken Soup


I put together this chunky soup while on vacation at Mammoth Lake.  Using whatever limited food and packages in the pantry to come up with this soup.  It turned out amazingly delicious.  Everyone loved it!!!


A Ingredients

Chicken breast                        2 pieces

Salt and black pepper                to taste


B Ingredients

Butter                                    1 tablespoon

Flour                                      1 tablespoon

Water                                     3 cups

Tomato paste                          1 can

Rotel tomato chilies                1 can

Wild rice mix                          1 cup

Broccoli florets, frozen            2 cups

Sweet peas, frozen                   1 cup

Salt and pepper                            to taste          


1. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Sprinkle the salt and pepper onto the chicken breasts, place onto a baking sheet lined with foil, bake for 35 minutes.  After removing from oven, let sit 10 minutes before cutting into chunks, reserve with pan juice in a mixing bowl. 

2. Heat the butter in a big soup pot, add the flour to the melted butter, stir until fragrant, then beat in the water in a stream to make a roux. 

3. After all the water is incorporated into the flour and butter to make a roux, add the tomato paste and the can of Rotel tomato and chilies, stir everything together, then add the wild rice medley, place the lid on and cook around 10-15 minutes, stir constantly, watch the level of liquid, add more water if needed. 

4. When the wild rice is cooked through, add the reserved chicken chunks and soup to pot, bring to a boil, then add the broccoli florets, again bring to a boil, add the sweet peas, salt and pepper to taste, then cook an additional  2-3 minutes, remove from heat. 


Servings: 4


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