

這個玉米蛋派超級香濃,非常適合大小party,早餐下午茶都很棒,第一次做給室友Peter吃,我們兩人一天就解決了一整個蛋派,前幾個禮拜大家到我家集合要去參加一個遊行隊伍,我就做了這金黃玉米蛋派配星巴克的法國咖啡,銷路超級好,我家媽媽沒吃過癮,隔天還叫我再多做一些呢!! 後來我做成了小蛋派,好可愛呢!!


分量: 6-8人份



奶油,室溫             110  

奶油起司                   85

中筋麵粉                 120  


牛奶                        210

動物性鮮奶油        200


奶油                            3 大匙

洋蔥,切小丁           ½

中筋麵粉                    1 小匙

                                1 小匙



玉米粒                        2

金黃玉米蛋派 金黃玉米蛋派   


1. A材料的奶油與奶油起司放入一碗中,用一隻叉子拌勻,到分不出來奶油和奶油起司即可,分三次倒入麵粉,每次用叉子將麵粉拌入奶油起司中,直到有麵糰樣子,沒有麵粉在碗底下。

2. 將麵糰倒出,放到乾淨灑了薄薄手粉的平台上,用手稍微揉一下,然後用保鮮膜包起來放冰箱休息一個小時。

3. 將所有B材料量入一個果汁機或是食物處理機中,打勻,放室溫備用。

4. 一個小時後,預熱烤箱350°F/180°C,將麵糰從冰箱裡拿出來,拿掉保鮮膜,用擀麵棍揉成派皮後,將派皮排入一個9英吋的派盤中,用手指頭或是叉子,把派皮邊邊畫上一些花樣。然後將C材料的玉米粒灑到派皮上,再將B材料倒入。將派盤拿起來輕輕敲幾下,把大氣泡敲掉,就可以進烤箱了。

5. 進烤箱用350°F/180°C 烤約45分鐘,拿出來若派中心還會鬆鬆的搖晃,再進烤箱烤10-13分鐘。要是不確定,可以拿一根竹籤插到派中心,出來不帶麵糊就是熟了。

6. 放空心架約15-30 分鐘,再切塊食用。


Golden Corn Quiches


This is a perfect treat for breakfast, afternoon tea, or just about any other time of the day.  I made some for a before parade snack at home and everyone devoured it in no time. Starbucks French Roast goes perfectly well with it!!!


A Ingredients

Butter, room temp        1/2 cup

Cream cheese               3 oz

All Purpose flour         1 cups


B Ingredients

Milk                        2/3 cup

Whipping cream     2/3 cup

Eggs                           3 heads

Butter                         3 tablespoon

Onion, chopped         ½ head

All-Purpose flour       1 tablespoon

Salt                             1 teaspoon


C Ingredients

Corn kernels                 2 cups



1. Mix the butter and cream cheese in a mixing bowl with a fork until mixed, add the flour in 3 batches, mix with a fork with each addition, until all the flour is absorbed into the dough. 

2. Pour the mixture out onto a lightly floured surface, knead with hands until a dough is formed, wrap in plastic wrap and chill in frig for 1 hour. 

3. Measure all B ingredients into a blender or food processor, beat well, let sit in room temperature before baking. 

4. After one hour, preheat oven to 350°F/180°C, remove the pie dough from the oven and roll into a 10.5 inch circle to fit a 9 inch pie plate.  Pour the corn kernels into the pie, then pour the B mixture into the pie.  Knock the pie plate on a chopping board to remove air bobbles inside. 

5. Bake in the oven. 350°F/180°C for 45 minutes.  Take the quiche out, if the center is still jiggling, then bake an additional 10-13 minutes.  If still not sure, insert a wooden toothpick into center, if it comes out clean, the quiche is ready.  

6. Let cool on a wire rack for 15-30 minutes before slicing.


Servings: 6-8



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