這道意大利麵是去美國有名的起司蛋糕工廠 (Cheesecake Factory) 吃了無數次後,才回家自己做的。也不難做,可是我知道自己會做了後,就不會再去餐廳點這道菜了,會覺得浪費錢,所以撐了好久才自己做。做了很多次了,每次都吃的精光,中外咸宜。連我家媽媽都會特別點來吃。這天在Nana奶奶家做,我還笨笨的,等這原本裝的滿滿的碗公傳到我手上時,已經快看不到蘑菇或是雞肉了,真是的,下一次,一定要先挖一大匙到我的盤中,或者自己在廚房先偷偷預留一碗!!
份量: 6 人份
橄欖油 ¼ 杯
洋蔥,切絲 1 顆
雞胸肉,切塊 250 克
蘑菇,切片 4 杯
蒜泥 1 大匙
瑪蒂拉甜酒 1 杯
瑪士可彭起司 ½ 杯
斜管意大利麵,煮熟 5-6 杯 (一包)
鹽與黑胡椒粉 適量
帕米香起司粉 ¼ 杯
巴西里屑 1 大匙
1. 起一油鍋加熱橄欖油,加入洋蔥絲,一直炒到焦,約12-15分鐘,顏色變咖啡色,撈出放一碗中,備用。
2. 在同一油鍋中加入雞胸肉,稍微有點熟了就可以加入蘑菇片和蒜泥一起拌炒,約6-7分熟後再把洋蔥絲加回鍋中一起炒一下,倒入瑪蒂拉甜酒,煮到湯汁收一半後,加入瑪士可彭起司,融化後要是鍋中湯汁不足,可以加入一點煮過意大利麵的水,加一些鹽與黑胡椒粉調味。
3. 再將斜管意大利麵倒入鍋中一起炒個2-3分鐘,上色了就行,加帕米香起司粉,再試試味道,可以依自己口味再加鹽與黑胡椒粉。
4. 起鍋後,可以裝一人份一盤,或是像照片上整個盛入一大碗公中,再灑上一些帕米香起司粉和巴西里屑。
Pasta Da Vinci
My good friend Jason made me a mango margarita upon my request on facebook. “Ask and ye shall receive.” He said. So this week, he asked:
Jason: Well, you do make a mean pasta.
Bella: Which mean pasta?
Jason: Pasta Da Vinci.
So I made a nice dinner for Jason and his Nana, now my adopted Nana. Everyone had such a good time gathering around the table, eating family style. When I was cooking, the whole house smelt so amazing, it smelt like home, that or caramelized onion. For dessert, I had made some Rugelach cookies the night before. We barely had enough for everyone because Nana had been snacking all day. She claimed that she ate no more than 2 at a time, but you look down and she stole two Rugelach in each hand. It’s so nice to have people appreciate the food I make. It feels amazing!!!
Olive oil ¼ cup
Onion, shredded 1 head
Chicken breast, sliced 250 g
Cimini mushroom, sliced 4 cups
Minced garlic 1 tablespoon
Madeira wine 1 cup
Mascarpone cheese ½ cup
Penne, cooked to al dente 1 package (5-6 cups)
Salt and black pepper to taste
Shredded Parmesan ¼ cup
Minced parsley 1 tablespoon
1. Heat the olive oil in a sauté pan, add the shredded onion to caramelize, around 12-15 minutes until color turn brown, drain and reserve in a bowl.
2. In the same sauté pan, add the chicken breast, cook until medium, add the mushroom slices and minced garlic to sauté, then add the caramelized onion back to pan, sauté for an additional minute, then add the Madeira wine, reduce to half, add the Mascarpone cheese. If the pan is too dry, add a bit of pasta water to think it out, salt and pepper to taste.
3. Stir in the cooked penne pasta until color is absorbed, add the Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper to taste.
4. Serve individually, or family style in a big serving bowl, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and minced parsley.
Serving: 6