乾媽 Michelle 從夏威夷回來帶了幾包正宗夏威夷出產的夏威夷豆,真的比較香耶,可惜的是這個餅乾沒拍到多少照片就通通被吃光了,下次再做再照張好看些的。白巧克力夏威夷豆餅乾是我最愛的餅乾口味,所以照片中的狠狠放了2杯的夏威夷豆耶,所以餅乾非常立體喔,比較正常的餅乾是稍扁一些的。
份量: 3 打
無鹽奶油,室溫 ½ cup
糖 ½ cup
蛋 1 個
香草精 1 teaspoon
中筋麵粉 1 ¼ cups
蘇打粉 ½ teaspoon
鹽 ½ teaspoon
白巧克力豆 1 杯
夏威夷豆 1-2 杯*
- 預熱烤箱 375 度。用攪拌器打發奶油與糖,再加入蛋和香草精打勻,倒入篩過的麵粉,蘇打粉和鹽,輕輕攪拌,不要過度攪拌,勻了後再拌入白巧克力豆和夏威夷豆。
- 將餅乾糊用小湯匙盛出,大約一個teaspoon 大小,放在烤盤上,大約3公分距離,烤約8-10 分鐘,出爐後放涼5分鐘,馬上移到空心架上,這樣餅乾的底部才會脆。
White Chocolate Macadamia Nuts Cookies
Unsalted butter ½ cup
Sugar ½ cup
Egg 1 piece
Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon
All-purpose flour 1 ¼ cups
Baking Soda ½ teaspoon
Salt ½ teaspoon
White Chocolate Chips 1 cup
Macadamia Nuts 1-2 cups
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Beat butter and sugar in a electric mixer until combined, add egg and vanilla extract, proceed until blended. Add sifted flour, baking soda, and salt. Gently fold until mixed in, then fold in the white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts.
- Drop teaspoon size balls of batter onto a baking sheet, bake at 375 for 8-10 minutes, let cool 5 minutes and transfer to wired rack.
Servings: 3 dozens.