: 4 人份
豆乾絲 1 包
小蘇打粉 ½ 小匙
紅蘿蔔絲 1 杯
黃豆芽 2 杯
蔥絲 ¼ 杯
蒜泥 1 小匙
檸檬汁 2 小匙
醬油 1 小匙
魚露 1 小匙
白砂糖 2 小匙
麻油 2 小匙
- 拿一中型湯鍋煮滾水,加入小蘇打粉後放入豆乾絲川燙一下,2-3 分鐘,撈出馬上放入冰水中降溫,後撈出瀝乾。
- 另拿一中型湯鍋煮滾水,川燙紅蘿蔔絲和黃豆芽,大約2分鐘,撈出放入冰水中降溫,撈出瀝乾。
- 將C醬材料拌勻後,加入豆乾絲和川燙過的紅蘿蔔絲和黃豆芽一起攪拌,加入蔥絲一起拌勻,可以酌量加點鹽調味。
Mixed Vege Tofu Noodle
This is a great way to eat tofu. As many people know, tofu can be rather tasteless if not cooked right. This is one of the simplest ways to enjoy this naturally healthy food.
A Group
Tofu Noodle 1 package
Baking Soda ½ teaspoon
B Group
Carrots(shredded) 1 cup
Soy bean sprouts 2 cups
Scallion(shredded) ¼ cup
C Group
Minced Garlic 1 teaspoon
Lemon Juice 2 teaspoon
Soy sauce 1 teaspoon
Fish Sauce 1 tesapoon
Sugar 2 teaspoon
Sesame Oil 2 teaspoon
Salt and pepper to taste
- Bring water to a boil in a medium sauce pan, add the baking soda, then add the tofu noodle to blanch, 2-3 minutes, drain and submerge into icy water immediately, drain again when cold.
- Bring water to a boil in another medium sauce pan, add the shredded carrots and soy bean sprouts, blanch for 2 minutes, drain and submerge into icy water, drain again when cold.
- Mix C group ingredients in a bowl, add the tofu noodle and blanched vegetables, mix well, then mix in the shredded scallions, add salt and pepper to taste.
Serving: 4