泡泡芙烤出來很像英國的約克夏布丁,反正泡泡芙就是用來配有美味湯汁的主菜,英國人大概比較節省吧,連湯汁都不浪費! 這個泡泡芙烤出來好香。外脆內軟,配上我自己發明的沙拉醬汁,真是享受!!
份量: 12顆
奶油,室溫 一塊(約1 大匙)
奶油 1 ½ 大匙
中筋麵粉 1 ½ 杯
雪花鹽 ¾ 小匙
百里香屑 1 小匙
蛋,室溫 3 顆
全脂牛奶 1 ½ 杯
1. 拿A材料的奶油抹在泡泡芙的烤盤上,像抹肥皂那樣。
2. 預熱烤箱425度,將B材料全部打拌均勻,將抹了奶油的泡泡芙烤盤先進預熱後的烤箱加熱兩分鐘,出爐再將麵糊倒進烤盤中,約倒一半滿。
3. 再次放進烤箱烤30分鐘,中途千萬不要打開烤箱門,不然泡泡芙就會塌下去!! 一定要烤滿30分鐘才可以開烤箱門喔!!
Thyme Popover
A Ingredients
Butter, room temp 1 tablespoon
B Ingredients
Butter 1 ½ tablespoon
All-purpose flour 1 ½ cup
Kosher salt ¾ teaspoon
Fresh thyme 1 teaspoon
Eggs, room temp 3
Whole milk 1 ½ cup
1. Rub the room temperature butter onto the popover pan, evenly coating all baking surface inside the cups.
2. Preheat oven 425 degree, whisk together all B ingredients, after the oven is preheated, pop the popover pans into the oven for 2 minutes, then remove from oven to quickly fill the cups with batter, pour about half full.
3. Bake at 425 degree for 30 minutes, do not open oven door before timer is up or else the popover will collapse, serve hot.
Serving: 12