第一次吃到這個脆片,是在剛來美國的那個高中,那時英文都不會說,在學校餐聽也不會點這道菜,常常看到外國同學們吃,都不會點,也不好意思開口問,後來總算鼓起勇氣問到了名字,結果去晚了還買不到,後來好不容易吃到了,驚為天人,真好吃! 10多年後的今天,比較想念台灣的排骨便當了。
份量: 8 人份
蕃茄丁 1 杯
洋蔥丁 ¼ 杯
墨西哥辣椒屑 1 根
蒜泥 1 小匙
萊姆果汁 ½ 杯
香菜屑 2 大匙
鹽與黑胡椒粉 適量
橄欖油 1 大匙
牛絞肉 200 克
蒜泥 1 小匙
孜然粉 1 小匙
辣椒粉 ¼ 小匙
洋蔥粉 1 小匙
辣椒籽片 ½ 小匙
鹽與黑胡椒粉 適量
奶油 1 大匙
麵粉 1 大匙
牛奶 ½ 杯
巧達起司絲 ½ 杯
Rotel辣椒蕃茄醬罐頭 2 大匙(可以省略)
鹽與黑胡椒粉 適量
玉米脆片 6 杯
酸奶 ½ 杯
蔥花 ½ 杯
1. 預熱烤箱325°F/160°C。將所有A材料倒入一大碗中拌勻,就成了。
2. 在一淺油鍋中,加熱A材料的橄欖油,加入牛絞肉和蒜泥炒香,盡量用鍋鏟把牛絞肉壓碎,再加入剩下的B材料調味,約再2-3分鐘,將肉醬倒出備用,鍋子還要繼續用,不用洗。
3. 將玉米脆片倒入一烤盤中,進烤箱加熱。
4. 在炒肉醬的同一個鍋中加熱C材料的奶油,奶油熱了後加入麵粉一起炒,把生麵粉味炒掉就可以一面攪拌一面徐徐加入牛奶,等牛奶和麵粉糊融合了後,加入起司絲,再攪至融化,加入Rotel辣椒蕃茄醬罐頭(也可以省略),加入鹽與黑胡椒粉調味一下,蓋上鍋蓋保溫。
5. 拿一個大盤,將玉米脆片從烤箱裡拿出來倒到盤中,將起司醬倒上,再來鋪肉醬,舀上酸奶,灑上公雞醬,再點綴點蔥花。
Fiesta Nachos
The first time I had nachos was at the high school cafeteria. We were lucky, had Taco Bells for a cafeteria. I was a newcomer to the country and didn’t know how to order it in English. Finally, I asked a couple of classmates and knew how to order it. It was so good. I loved it.
A Ingredients
Tomato, chopped 1 cup
Red onion, chopped ¼ cup
Jalapeno chili, minced 1 piece
Garlic, mined 1 teaspoon
Lime juice ½ cup
Cilantro, minced 2 tablespoon
Salt and pepper to taste
B Ingredients
Olive oil 1 tablespoon
Beef, ground ½ lb
Garlic, minced 1 teaspoon
Cuming, ground 1 teaspoon
Chili powder ¼ teaspoon
Onion powder 1 teaspoon
Red hot chili pepper ½ teaspoon
Salt and black pepper to taste
C Ingredients
Butter 1 tablespoon
Flour 1 tablespoon
Milk ½ cup
Cheddar cheese, shredded ½ cup
Rotel chili tomato 2 tablespoon
Salt and pepper to taste
D Ingredients
Tortilla chips 6 cups
Sour cream ½ cup
Scallion, chopped ½ cup
1. Preheat oven 325°F/160°C. Measure all A ingredients into a mixing bowl, mix well.
2. In a shallow frying pan, add the olive oil in B ingredients, add the ground beef and minced garlic to pan, cook until done. Try to break up the bigger pieces with spatula. Then add the rest of the B ingredients to pan, cook for an additional couple of minutes. Pour the meat sauce into a container, do not wash, reserve the pan for making the cheese sauce.
3. Put the tortilla chips onto a baking sheet, bake in the oven.
4. In the same frying pan, the meat sauce one, heat up the butter from C ingredients, then stir in the flour, then slowly whisk in the milk to make a roux. When it’s incorporated, add the shredded cheddar cheese, Rotel chili tomato sauce(optional). Salt and pepper to taste. Place the lid on to keep warm while preparing chips.
5. Take a big platter, pull the baking sheet with the tortilla chips out of the oven and spread the chips onto the platter. Drizzle with cheese sauce, then spread with meat sauce, a couple scoops of sour cream, then pico de gallo, chopped scallion is the final touch!
Serving: 8