今年的大餐沒有消化不良,我想都要歸功這盤四季豆,滿滿的纖維質讓大家一下就消化完畢了。我以前還一直覺得奇怪,為什麼美國人感恩大餐一定會有一盤四季豆,原來是助消化!! 我今年菜配的好,吃完大餐也沒有不舒服,最重要的是一磅都沒有增加,多麼完美的晚餐啊!! (^_−)−☆
份量: 約8 人份
四季豆,洗淨 3 磅
冰水 適量
鹽 ½ 小匙
奶油 2 大匙
1. 煮一大鍋熱水,水滾了後放豆子下去穿燙,看豆子大小,大約燙個3分鐘,到豆子還有點脆脆的,可是不要有生生的感覺就可以了。撈出來後馬上放到一鍋冰水中降溫,溫度下來後,撈出瀝乾,再放鹽下去抓一下,讓豆子稍有鹹味。
2. 另起一油鍋加熱奶油,放豆子下去炒一下,約2分鐘,試試味道,再灑些鹽與黑胡椒粉調味,關火起鍋。
Buttery Green Beans
Green beans, washed, trimmed 3 lbs
Ice bath enough
Salt ½ teaspoon
Butter 2 tablespoon
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Heat up a pot of boiling water, blanch the green beans, around 3 minutes until crisp tender, drain immediately and let cool in an ice bath. When the temperature is down, drain the beans from the ice water, and toss with salt a bit.
2. Heat up the butter in a sauté pan, sauté the green beans in the sauté pan for around 2 minutes to coat the butter, taste one and add more salt and pepper as needed.
Servings: 8