份量: 1 杯
日式米琳 1 杯
香米料酒 1 杯
波特甜酒 1 大匙
老抽醬油 2 小匙
1. 將所有材料放入一湯鍋中,煮滾後轉中火繼續煮,直到湯汁濃縮至一半,或是有點濃濃就可以了。
Port Teriyaki Sauce
We are not big wine drinkers. If I open a bottle of wine for dinner, chances are there is still half a bottle left afterwards. Figuring out what to do with the leftover wine has been a battle. I can use it to cook pasta, but we don’t eat pasta everyday. I can drink it, but stale wine is nobody’s favorite. It wasn’t until I tried using it in teriyaki sauce that I found the perfect place for it. Any wine will do. A bottle of ready, home made teriyaki sauce at home can spice up any meal. Home made!!!
Mirin 1 cup
Rice cooking wine 1 cup
Port 1 tablespoon
Thick soy sauce 2 tablespoon
1. Place all ingredients in a sauce pan, heat until boiling, turn to medium heat, continue cooking until the sauce reduced to half or until the desired consistency.
Serving: 1 cup