份量: 3 打
中筋麵粉 230 克
泡打粉 2 小匙
鹽 ½ 小匙
白砂糖 2 大匙
橘子屑 1 顆
無鹽奶油,切丁 115 克
熱代水果乾,泡過水 ½ 杯
白脫牛奶 160 克
C 材料
白脫牛奶 2 大匙
白砂糖 2 大匙
1. 預熱烤箱425°F。將所有A材料過篩,用酥皮切刀將B材料的橘子屑和奶油切進麵粉中,直到最大塊的奶油約為小青豆大小,加入泡水瀝乾的熱代水果乾。
2. 將 2/3 杯的白脫牛奶到入麵粉中輕輕揉成一團,不要過度攪拌,成團就好了。
3. 將麵團放到一個灑了麵粉的平台上輕輕按壓成一個圓盤狀,大約1公分厚,將麵團折成兩半,再輕輕按壓成約1.5公分厚,用圓型的小比司吉切刀切成36個小圓塊,放到鋪了烤盤紙的烤盤上。刷上C材料的白脫牛奶,灑上白砂糖。
4. 進烤箱用425°F烤約9-11分鐘到金黃,出爐後放空心架涼,底部才會脆。
Tropical Scones
Scones are very versatile. One can add almost anything to create flavor and texture. This tropical fruit scone is flaky and delicious with a hint of apricot, pineapple, peach, and papaya. It’s the tropics in a bit!!
A Ingredients
All-purpose 230 g
Baking powder 2 teaspoons
Kosher salt ½ teaspoon
Sugar 2 tablespoon
B Ingredients
Orange zest 1 orange (med.)
Unsalted butter, cubed ½ cup
Tropical dried fruits, soaked, drained ½ cup
Buttermilk 2/3 cup
C Ingredients
Buttermilk 2 tablespoon
Raw sugar 2 tablespoons
1. Preheat the oven to 425°F. Sift A Ingredients into a mixing bowl, mix in the orange zest, then cut in the butter with a pastry cutter until the mixture resembled bread crumbs. . The smallest crumbs should be the size of a sweet pea,stir in the dried fruits.
2. Pour 2/3 cup buttermilk into the dry ingredients and fold with a rubber spatula until all loose powders are incorporated. Do not over mix.
3. Put the dough onto a lightly floured surface and shape into a ball. Pat the dough down into a thin disk, fold the thin disk in half, pat down some more. Using a small biscuit cutter, cut the disk into 36 rounds. Set the scones on a parchment paper lined baking sheet, and brush the top with C buttermilk and sprinkle with sugar.
4. Bake at 425°F for 9-11 minutes until golden brown.
Serving: 3 dozen