很久以前,我們家每次有什麼節慶生日的,都會去家附近一家吃到飽的中式buffet,午餐會有這種大廚特製的綠豆酥,沒在別的地方看過,做的很好吃,因為數量一次出來都不多,老爸也不客氣的一整盤給端回桌上,後來老闆換了人,就沒再看過這道美味的點心了。今天自己做做來回味一下當年的好滋味!! 爸爸一回家就拿了好幾個去,說做的還不錯呢!!
份量: 18 個
去皮綠豆仁 250 克
香油 10 克
花生油 30 克
白砂糖 190 克
1. 將綠豆仁泡水90 分鐘左右,瀝乾,放蒸籠裡蒸到中心透了,不會硬硬的,約15-20分鐘。
2. 起油鍋加熱香油和花生油,倒入蒸好的綠豆仁和白砂糖一起拌炒,炒至可以捏能團就可以起鍋了,放一碗中備用。
冷凍酥皮 2 張
蛋 1 顆
水 1 大匙
黑芝麻 1 小匙
1. 預熱烤箱400°F。將B材料的蛋和水倒入一碗中稍打散一下。
2. 將冷凍酥皮切成9等份,每分中間放一團綠豆餡,抓起兩個對角捏緊,放到烤盤中,刷上蛋汁,灑少許黑芝麻。
3. 進烤箱烤13分鐘,拿出轉頭,再烤3-4分鐘,就可以出爐了,馬上移放到空心架上放涼。
Mung Bean Pastry
A Ingredients
Mung bean, de-skinned 250 g
White sesame oil 10 g
Peanut oil 30 g
Sugar 190 g
1. Soak the mung bean in water for 90 minutes, drain, steam for around 15-20 minutes until the beans are tender.
2. Heat the white sesame oil and peanut oil in a frying pan, add the steamed mung bean and sugar to pan, stir to blend until the mixture resemble a paste, can be made into a ball.
B Ingredients
Puf pastry sheets, thawed 2 sheet
Egg 1 piece
Water 1 tablespoon
Black sesame 1 teaspoon
1. Preheat oven 400°F. Beat the egg and water in B ingredients to make an egg wash.
2. Cut each puff pastries into 9 equal squares, place a long piece of mung bean paste. Using fingers, pick up the two corners and fold in the center, place onto baking sheet, brush with egg wash, sprinkle with black sesame.
3. Bake in the oven for 13 minutes, turn the baking pan around, bake an additional 3-4 minutes until golden brown. Place onto wired rack to cool.
Serving: 18