這幾天心情很好,去長毛象湖渡完假回來,很開心,沒負擔!! 一路上吃吃喝喝回來,還真捨不得離開呢!!第一次用冷凍的劍魚排做晚餐,發覺我不是很喜歡吃冷凍過的魚,老爺那天又瞪著魚片流口水了,所以就買了。不過這檸檬奶油的味道煎魚不錯,大家用新鮮的魚做做看!!
份量: 2 人份
魚排 2 塊
鹽與黑胡椒粉 適量
奶油 ¼ 杯
檸檬皮屑 1 小匙
巴西里屑 1 大匙
檸檬胡椒粉 1 小匙
意大利麵,煮熟 2 杯
液態奶油 2 大匙
帕米香起司粉 2 大匙
鹽與黑胡椒粉 適量
1. 將魚排均勻灑上鹽與黑胡椒粉醃10分鐘。
2. 將B材料全部倒入一小碗中拌勻,再抹到魚排上。
3. 起一平底鍋煎魚,一面煎至金黃再煎另一面,大約5-10分鐘,看魚排厚度。
4. 將煎好的魚排盛出,加入C材料到原來煎魚的鍋中,再攪拌一下,試試味道,就可以上桌了!!
Lemony Fish Steak
This is probably one of the quickest dinners one can prepare. Place the frozen fish steak package in the frig to thaw when you leave for work in the morning, it’s the perfect hardness when you get home. But as far as fish goes, I still prefer fresh, non-frozen kinds. Bought this one at Trader Joe’s frozen food section, wasn’t impressed.
A Ingredients
Fish steaks 2 pieces
Salt and pepper to taste
B Ingredients
Butter ¼ cup
Lemon zest 1 teaspoon
Minced parsley 1 tablespoon
Lemon pepper 1 teaspoon
C Ingredients
Spaghetti, cooked 2 cups
Whipping cream 2 tablespoon
Parmesan cheese, grated 2 tablespoon
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Sprinkle with salt and pepper onto the fish steak, let sit 10 minutes.
2. Mix all B ingredients in a small mixing bowl, spread onto fish steak, both sides.
3. Heat up a skillet, cook the fish steaks until golden, then turn the other side, around 5-10 minutes each side, depend on the thickness of the fish steak.
4. Using a spatula, scoop out the fish steaks onto dinner plates, add all C ingredients into the same skillet, stir to blend, serve hot.
Servings: 2