母親節的前一天,我的好友Raquel 和我一起去吃美味道地的墨西哥早餐後,就到Nana家去了。Nana是我朋友Jason的老奶奶,我就跟Jason一起叫她Nana(奶奶),因為我的奶奶已經過世了。老人家待我跟親生的孫女一樣,這天Jason正好要清理家裡,我就來幫忙,陰謀計劃,老人家不喜歡人家動她房間,因為實在太亂了,所以一定要把她拐出去了才能清,所以就派Raquel帶Nana去燙頭髮,最花時間了。我就和Jason兩人合力將好幾年份的髒亂清出一個條理。當然也不無尖叫聲啦,像是看到一隻黑色大蜘蛛時我們兩個就原地又叫又跳的嚇了一大跳,晚上我們兩個都累的精疲力竭,就去一家意大利的餐廳吃晚餐,叫了這蒙地卡羅,還真不錯呢!!
份量: 4 人份
牛絞肉 200 克
豬絞肉 200 克
青醬 1 杯
九層塔葉 少許
鹽與黑胡椒粉 少許
意大利麵,煮熟 適量
紅辣椒片 少許
1. 起油鍋加熱少許油,加入牛和豬絞肉一起炒散,約3-4分鐘,再將鍋子拿起來把多餘的油脂倒出,再加入青醬,九層塔葉,鹽與黑胡椒粉炒勻,稍蓋一下蓋子就可以起鍋了。
2. 倒在煮好的意大利麵上,灑些帕米香起司粉一起吃!!
Pasta Monte Carlo
My good friend Raquel and I helped clean an old lady’s house the day before Mother’s day this year. Well, she took her out to perm her hair for 4 hours; I stayed and cleaned. Jason, the old lady’s grandson, is a good friend of mine. We call this old lady, Nana, we are officially her adopted grand daughters. After a whole day of sorting and cleaning, Nana was grateful to have her bedroom back, neat and clean. Jason took us out to an Italian dinner at a restaurant. Their food was so good. This is my version of their Pasta Monte Carlo.
Ground beef ½ lb
Ground pork ½ lb
Pesto 1 cup
Thai basil leaves ½ cup
Salt and pepper to taste
Pasta, cooked to taste
Red chili flakes to taste
1. Heat a teaspoon of oil in a frying pan, add the ground pork and beef to cook, try to break up the bigger pieces and mix the two kinds of meat, around 3-4 minutes. Pick up the pan and pour the excess oil out, then add the pesto sauce and Thai basil leaves to blend along with salt and pepper, place the lid on for a couple of minutes to marry all the flavors together.
2. Pour the meat sauce onto cooked pasta, sprinkle with red chili flakes and parmesan cheese, or like me, Pecorino Ramono.
Serving: 4