

每年中秋節總免不了要做一些應景的食品,蛋黃酥,月餅等等,自己吃著開心,也可以把蛋黃酥裝在漂亮的禮盒裡送親朋好友,自己做,是為了能夠吃得健康,少糖少熱量,說真的紅豆有著很不錯的營養成分,但是給外面的工廠一加工,就吃得不安心了,能夠自己做,真的是最好的! 最近團購,一個禮拜來做了好幾百個手工蛋黃酥,差點沒給累慘,人都瘦了一大圈,但是這些客人是我最好的練習,他們都會告訴我,到底想要什麼,我想,最後一定能做出,最完美的,有機健康,吃起來安心的美味蛋黃酥!!!


份量: 12 顆



鹹鴨蛋黃              10 顆

萊姆酒                   ¼ 杯

烏豆沙                400 克

豬油                      30 克

雞蛋蛋黃               2 顆

牛奶                      1 大匙



中筋麵粉            125 克

糖粉                      20 克

無水奶油              45 克

水                         60 cc



低筋麵粉             120 克

無水奶油              60 克



1. 預熱烤箱325度F

2. 將B材料的中筋麵粉,糖粉,無水奶油量入一中盆中,用一根叉子攪拌成碎碎的餅乾屑狀。再將水倒入,用手混合揉成一個柔軟的麵團,反覆搓揉大約3-5 分鐘,蓋上保鮮膜休息30分鐘。

3. 將鹹鴨蛋黃從蛋殼裡扣出來,丟到萊姆酒裡浸泡一下,放到一張鋪了烤盤紙,噴了油的烤盤上,進烤箱烤約 10-12分鐘。拿出來後放涼。再將烤箱溫度加高到350度F。

4. 將C材料量入一個碗中拌勻,分成10等分,蓋上保鮮膜放冰箱冷藏。

5. 將A材料的烏豆沙和豬油拌勻,分成10等分滾圓,個包一個涼了的蛋黃在豆沙中心,再滾圓放冰箱備用。

6. 將油皮麵團從盆裡拿出來,均分10等分,滾圓,在每個油皮麵團的中心,各包一個油酥麵團,底部要捏緊。接縫朝下,將整個麵團拍扁,用擀麵棍揉成一個長條型,翻過來,由短向捲起,將剩下五個麵團也做完。

7. 再將麵團,接縫朝下,拍扁,撖成長條形,翻面,接縫朝上,由短向捲起,重複做完所有麵團,蓋上保鮮膜休息15分鐘。

8. 將休息好的麵團拿出來,接縫朝上,用大拇指從接縫正中央按下去,用手將麵團捏成圓餅,翻面,接縫朝下,用擀麵棍揉成圓形約巴掌大,包一個蛋黃豆沙求在中間,底部捏緊,搓圓,放到一張鋪了烤盤紙的烤盤上,重複做完剩下麵團。

9. 將A材料的雞蛋蛋黃,和牛奶,在一個碗中打散,用刷子刷到麵團上,再刷第二次會讓表面烤出來更加金黃,撒上黑芝麻,進烤箱烤20分鐘,出爐放網架放涼。


Egg Yolk Pastry


A Ingredients

Pickled Duck Egg Yolk              10 pc

Rum                                         ¼ cup

Red bean paste                      300 g

Lard                                          40 g

Chicken egg yolk                       2 pc

Milk                                            2 tablespoon


B Ingredients

All purpose flour            125 g

Powdered sugar             20 g

Clarified butter                45 g

Water                             60 cc


C Ingredients

Cake flour              120 g

Clarified butter          60 g



1. Preheat oven 325 degree F.

2. Measure the B ingredients flour, powdered sugar, clarified butter into a mixing bowl, using a fork to stir until the mixture resembles cookie crumbs.  Pour in the water to form a moist dough.  Knead for 3-5 minutes until smooth.  This is our pastry dough.  Cover with plastic wrap and let rest 30 minutes.  

3. Cock the pickled duck egg yolk out of the shell, dip in the rum, place onto a oiled, parchment paper lined baking sheet, bake in the oven fo 10-12 minutes.  Let cool after.  Then raise the oven temperature to 350 degree F.

4. Measure all C ingredients into a bowl and make into a dough, divide into 10 portions, roll into a ball shape, oil dough, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until use.  

5. Mix the bean past and lard from A ingredients, divide into 10 portions, roll into balls.  Wrap a baked egg yolk intp the middle of each bean past ball, roll into a ball shape again and put in the frig until ready to use.  

6. Take the pastry dough out of the mixing bowl, divide into 10 equel portions, roll into balls.  Then wrap a oil dough(C) in the middle, seal the bottom tight with fingers.  Finish the rest of the dough.  Then with seam side down, flatten with the palm, then roll dough out to a long thin shape, roll up from the short side.  

7. Again, seam side down, flatten with the palm, roll into a long rectangle, turn, seam side up, roll up from the short side.  Finish the rest of the dough, cover with plastic wrap and let rest 15 minutes.

8. After the dough have rested, seam side up, press down the middle with thumb, press the dough with fingers to make a round disk.  Turn the disk up, seam side down, roll the disk out to the size of your palm.  Wrap a red beam dough in the middle and seal the bottom.  Using both hands to make a pretty round ball shape.  Place the dough onto a parchment lined baking sheet, and finish the rest of the dough.  

9. Beat the egg yolk and milk in A in a bowl to make an egg wash, brush the egg wash onto the pastries, brush again to create that signature golden color after baking, sprinkle the top with black sesame seeds, bake in the oven for 20 minutes.  Remove to wired rack to cool down completely before storing.  

Serving: 10


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