薯條是風靡全世界的美食,配什麼都好吃,做起來很簡單,但是炸薯條的高熱量卻讓許多人吃不消,馬鈴薯是不錯的天然蔬菜,但是油炸後高油脂也會有健康的後遺症。美國現在很流行用烤的,烤薯條,烤地瓜薯條類的,今天來教大家如何自己在家烤美味薯條!! 一點都不費事喔!!
份量: 4 人份
馬鈴薯 3 顆
橄欖油 2 大匙
蒜頭鹽 1 小匙
蒜頭粉 1 小匙
辣椒粉 1 小匙
黑胡椒粉 ½ 小匙
1. 預熱烤箱 450°F/230°C。
2. 將馬鈴薯用刷子將表皮刷洗乾淨,馬鈴薯連皮吃的營養價值較高。切成薯條型,不要太粗,否則會延長烘培時間。將切好的薯條放入一大盆中,將桿欖油灑到薯條上,用手抓勻。
3. 將B材料全量入一小碗中,預留一小匙B料,再將剩下的B料灑到薯條上,用手抓勻。
4. 在一個平烤盤中鋪鋁箔紙,稍稍噴點油,或是抹點油,將準備好的薯條放進烤盤中,進烤箱烤約 30分鐘,拿出來稍微翻動一下,再烤15分鐘。
5. 出爐後將薯條全倒進一大盆中,將預留的B料灑上,拌勻,趁熱吃。
Oven Baked Fries
Why go out for fries when you can make this simple and healthy one at home?? Give it a try. Let the oven do most of the work!!
A Ingredients
Potatoes, russet 3 heads
Olive oil 2 tablespoon
B Ingredients
Garlic salt 1 teaspoon
Garlic powder 1 teaspoon
Smoked paprika 1 teaspoon
Ground black pepper ½ teaspoon
1. Preheat oven 450°F/230°C.
2. Clean the potatoes well with a brush, then cut into the size of fries. Don’t cut too thick or else the baking time will be longer. Place the fries into a big mixing bowl, drizzle the olive oil onto the fries, toss well.
3. Measure all B ingredients into a small mixing bowl, reserve one teaspoon of the mix, then sprinkle with rest onto the fries, toss well.
4. Line a baking sheet with foil, spray with Pam or brush the foil with olive oil, pour the prepared fries onto the baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, then take the baking sheet out to toss the fries a bit for even baking, place the baking sheet back into the oven for 15 more minutes.
5. Shook the fries into a big mixing bowl, sprinkle the reserved B ingredients on top, toss well. Serve Hot.
Servings: 4