

感冒了好幾天了,一把鼻涕一口咳嗽的,我家媽咪想吃意大利肉醬麵,叫了兩次,我就說好吧,來做,自己又去買了一些夏天盛產的瓜,香菇類的,讓這做了千百次的意大利肉醬麵有點新味兒,大家看還行嗎? 影片中我家客人聲音大了些,大家多多包涵,總不能叫人家老爺爺奶奶不講話吧?!


有一次去加洲和亞利桑那洲交界的Lake Havazu渡假,一整天都在遊艇上,跳水游泳衝板的,晚餐回到營地好想吃意大利肉醬麵,大家伙兒都想,營地啥都沒有,看妳怎麼做意大利肉醬麵,我就是做的出來,所有的小朋友們,都盯著鍋裡流口水,就每人發一大盤,那一盤肉醬麵,是我吃過做過,最好吃的!!!


份量: 8 人份



橄欖油                        1 大匙

蒜片                             2 大匙

洋蔥切丁                     2

牛絞肉                   1000  

蕃茄意大利麵醬         2  

蕃茄,切片              5-6  

意大利瓜,切大丁     2

黃水瓜,切大丁         2

香菇,切片                 3

格蘭諾拉燕麥片        ½             

意大利麵條                 2             



1. 拿一大鍋加熱橄欖油,加入蒜片炒香,再加入洋蔥炒到半透明,約3-4 分鐘撒一些鹽與黑胡椒粉調味後,就可以把牛絞肉倒進去炒碎了,約5-8分鐘,半熟了後,就可以倒入意大利麵醬罐頭,拌勻,煮個10分鐘。

2. 另外拿一個大湯鍋煮水,加一小匙鹽,等會兒煮意大利麵用的。

3. 再把蕃茄片,瓜丁,香菇片和格蘭諾拉燕麥片,都下鍋拌一下,再煮個10分鐘,或煮到瓜類到自己喜歡的硬度,灑鹽與黑胡椒粉調味,就可以關火了。

4. 意大利麵條倒入滾水中,依照包裝上的指示,煮熟,可是不要煮的太爛,要有點QQ的。 

5. 將煮好的意大利麵條盛入盤中,灑上煮好的意大利蕃茄肉醬,可再灑點帕米香起司粉和芝麻菜在最上面一起吃。




DSC05572.Copy.jpg  蕃茄牛肉意大利麵


Summer Spaghetti


Being able to make a speedy spaghetti is always really handy.  While camping inLakeHavazuone summer, I spent all day on a yacht and was craving spaghetti.  Everyone was amazed! All the kids got a huge heaping plate! That was some awesome spaghetti!!!



Olive oil                            1 tablespoon

Garlic, sliced                     2 tablespoon

Onion, chopped                 2 heads

Ground beef                1000 g

Spaghetti sauce                  2 jars

Tomato, cut into wedges     5-6 heads

Italian squash, big dice       2 heads

Yellow squash, big dice     2 heads

Mushroom, sliced               3 cups

Granola                        ½ cup

Spaghetti, packaged       2 packages



1. Heat up the olive oil in a big pot, add the slice garlic to the olive oil and cook till fragrant, then add the chopped onions to cook until translucent, around 3-4 minutes, sprinkle some salt and pepper into the pot, toss well to season.  Add the ground beef into the pot, breaking big chunks with spatula, cook for about 5-8 minutes until medium done, then add the spaghetti sauce to pot, mix well, cook an additional 10 minutes. 

2. Start a pot of water and a teaspoon of salt to boil, this is to cook the spaghetti later. 

3. Add the tomato wedges, chopped Italian, summer squash, and granola to the sauce, cook an additional 10 minutes or until the vegetables are to desired doneness.  Remove from heat. 

4. Submerge the dried spaghetti noodle into the pot of boiling water, cook according to package instruction to al dente. 

5. Scoop the cooked spaghetti into a pasta bowl, generously scoop the spaghetti sauce on top.  Serve hot with freshly grated parmesan cheese and chopped arugula on top. 


Serving: 8



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