住在台灣的人真的很幸福,出門就有章魚燒可吃,不像這裡,Bella想吃,還得自己動手,說真的,環境使然,要不是美國啥都買不到,Bella又這麼愛吃,我大概也不會像今天這麼會”喇”,你們說是不是? 有影片一看就清楚,大家以後都不用出門去買章魚燒了喔!!! 自己喇喇ㄟ喔~
份量: 3 打
蛋 2 顆
冰水 680 克
柴魚粉 1 小匙
醬油 2 小匙
鹽 1/8 小匙
中筋麵粉 200 克
油 2 大匙
章魚塊,切丁 100 克
蔥花 ½ 杯
明太子魚子 2 大匙
高麗菜,切小塊 ¼ 杯
D 材料
章魚燒醬 ½ 杯
美乃滋 ¼ 杯
明太子魚子 1 大匙
柴魚片 2 大匙
海苔鬆 1 大匙
辣椒粉 少許
1. 將A材料全部量入一個大碗中打勻,再倒到一個有嘴的量杯中。
2. 加熱章魚燒的模子,用一把刷子,不客氣的在章魚燒模裡的每個洞,刷上一層油,真的不要客氣,等下丸子卡在洞裡,就不好玩了。
3. 鍋熱了後,把做好的A麵糊倒進每個凹洞中,裝到快滿了,然後把C料灑到麵糊上,煮到可以翻身90度,就翻過來,再倒一些麵糊到凹洞中,再煮一下再翻90度,繼續翻直到章魚燒有丸子狀。
4. 放到盤子裡,灑上章魚燒醬,美乃滋,明太子魚子,柴魚片,海苔鬆,和辣椒粉,趁熱吃。
Masago Takoyaki
Everytime I make takoyaki at home, it’s always a big hit. It’s such a satisfying dish. Can be served as appetizer or the main entrée, very festive and popular.
A Ingredients
Eggs 2 heads
Ice water 680 g
Hondashi 1 teaspoon
Soy sauce 2 teaspoon
Salt ½ teaspoon
All purpose flour 200 g
B Ingredients
Oil 2 tablespoon
C Ingredients
Tako, cubed 100 g
Scallion, chopped ½ cup
Masago 2 tablespoon
Cabage, chopped ¼ cup
D Ingredients
Takoyaki sauce ½ cup
Mayonnaise ¼ cup
Masago 1 tablespoon
Bonito flakes 2 tablespoon
Seaweed flakes 1 tablespoon
Chili powder pinch
1. Measure and beat all A ingredients in a big mixing bowl, then pour into a spouted measuring cup.
2. Heat the takoyaki mold, brush each slot with oil generously.
3. When the mold is hot, pour the batter into each slot to fill it, then sprinkle C ingredients onto the batter, cook until the balls can be turned easily, turn 90 degree, then add more batter into the half empty slot, cook an additional couple of minutes before flipping the uncooked side onto the bottom. Look around to see if there’s any white spot, turn the spots downward to cook.
4. Place the takoyaki on a plate, drizzle with takoyaki sauce, mayonnaise, masago, bonito flakes, seaweed flakes, and chili powder, serve hot.
Serving: 3 dozen