作者: 麗子 翻譯: Bella
主材料: 長糯米一斤 五花肉200克 乾香菇5-6朵 乾魷魚半條 金勾蝦乾或櫻花蝦40克 紅蔥頭6-8瓣
調味料: 五香粉微量 白胡椒粉一茶匙 醬油60CC 鹽少許 味精適量
香菇沖洗乾淨250CC水分泡開 水要留用
1.米洗淨先浸泡約1-2小時 瀝乾水分放細目網籃 在米中插幾個通氣孔使熱循環順暢
放入電鍋 外鍋200CC水分爭致起跳 將飯翻勻
2.起3匙油 先下櫻花蝦乾煸香後撈起[放金勾就不必撈起]續下紅蔥炒香
再下五花肉絲炒到有些出油 香菇.魷魚依序下
3.加少許五香粉觸油 接著一半醬油.白胡椒粉下鍋炒香
此時將炒熟的材料先取出部份留著舖面用 將另半醬油.櫻花蝦乾加入炒鍋炒開
再加入香菇水 少許鹽.味精調味煮開
4.轉成微微火或熄火 將蒸好翻鬆的糯米倒入 用飯匙將湯之和糯米充分攪拌上色也均味
5.準備一蒸籠舖好布巾 將拌好的糯米移到蒸籠舖平[勿重壓]接著將留下的配料和櫻花蝦乾灑在表面
6.以大火水開蒸氣出開始算起 約15分鐘即可 這道台味十足好吃的油飯就完成了
油飯也可用生米直接拌炒到熟 但此法非常耗臂力 一斤米炒好你可能吃不下了
改用二次蒸法做出的油飯 多花點時間但絕不會失敗 且糯米一樣具有很好的彈性和口感
Old Fashioned Sticky Rice
This recipe was written for Bella’s Five Stars Kitchen by invitation. This writer is an excellent cook in Taiwanese cuisine. Might want to check out her blog for her other yummy foods!!!
Main Ingredients
Long sticky rice 600 g
Pork Shoulder 200 g
Dried mushroom 5-6 heads
Dried squid ½ piece
Dried shrimp 40 g
Shallots 6-8 heads
Flavor ingredients:
Chinese five spice powder pinch
Ground white pepper 1 teaspoon
Soy sauce 60 cc
Salt and MSG to taste
Preparation Work:
Soak the dried mushroom in 250 cc of water until ready to use, reserve the liquid
Slice the dried squid open like a string bean into thin strips
Slice the rind off the pork and cut into ¼ inch thin strips
Rinse dried shrimp and soak in 2 tablespoon of rice cooking liquor until ready to use, then drain
Chop the shallots
1. Rinse and soak the rice in water for 1-2 hours. Drain the water completely using a strainer attachment of your rice cooker. Poke a few ventilation holes in the rice, add 200cc water to the outer layer of your rice cooker, push the cook button until the cycle is done.
2. Heat the 3 tablespoon of oil in a frying pan, add dried shrimp and cook until fragrant and crispy. Scoop out all the cooked dried shrimp. Then add the shallots to pan, cook till fragrant, then add the shredded pork. Cook until the port has released part of its oil, then add the mushroom and dried squid to pan. Cook an additional few minutes.
3. Add the five spice powder to pan, then half the soy sauce and ground white pepper, cook till fragrant. Reserve a handful of prepared mixture, then add the rest to pan along with the other half of soy sauce and dried shrimp. Cook until it’s well blended, add a bit of reserved mushroom liquid, pinch of salt, and MSG to taste.
4. Turn the heat way down or off, stir in the prepared sticky rice until rice has been coated evenly by the sauce.
5. Line a bamboo steamer with linen cloth or steamer liner, transfer the prepared sticky rice onto the liner and spread it evenly onto the bottom of the steamer. Do not press down. Sprinkle the top with the reserved mixture and dried shrimp to add color.
6. Using high heat, cook about 15 minutes after the first sign of steam. Then the rice is done.
Optional: This can also be cooked by stirring the rice until it’s tender, but you might not be able to use your arms the next few days!!! The above method is better and idiot proof. The sticky rice will cook to perfection.
Serving: 5