份量: 6 人份
花生油 2 大匙
蛋,稍打散 2 顆
紅蘿蔔絲 4 杯
柴魚粉 ½ 小匙
鹽 適量
1. 起一油鍋加熱花生油,油熱後再倒入蛋,用鍋鏟炒成炒蛋。
2. 蛋差不多成形了,沒有液態了,就可以加紅蘿蔔絲下去一起炒熟,炒香,約3-4分鐘,蓋上鍋蓋悶個兩分鐘,嘗嘗看蘿蔔絲是不是自己喜歡的硬度,若還太硬,可以再悶個一兩分鐘。
3. 加入柴魚粉和鹽調味。
Carrots and Scrambled Eggs
This is a classic Taiwanese dish. It’s simple, economical, and oh so tasty, the perfect side dish to any meal.
Peanut oil 2 tablespoon
Egg, lightly beaten 2 heads
Shredded carrots 4 cups
Hondashi ½ teaspoon
Salt to taste
1. Heat up the peanut oil in a sauté pan, when the oil is hot, add the egg to scramble.
2. When the egg is just about to form, add the shredded carrots to sauté together, around 3-4 minutes. Then place the lid on for a couple of minutes to cook the carrots through. Taste the carrots to see if it’s the preferred hardness. If it’s still too hard, cook a few minutes more.
3. Add Hondashi and salt to taste.
Serving: 6