上個月底去參加一個朋友的生日,在一個好有特色的意大利餐廳,聽說開了很久了,一進門就看到好多代表意大利的裝飾品在牆上,密密麻麻的,有兩層樓高,挑高的屋頂讓人覺得好舒暢。我那晚點了一盤”羅密歐與茱莉葉” 是兩種不同的意大利餃子,和這馬士可彭奶油起司青醬,味道真不錯呢! 沒吃完的帶回家,隔天就被偷吃光了,媽媽還跑來跟我說,他們做的意大利餃子味道很棒呢!!
份量: 2 杯
培跟,切小塊 ¼ 杯
中筋麵粉 1 小匙
市售青醬 ¼ 杯
馬士可彭奶油起司 ¼ 杯
牛奶 1 杯
水 ½ 杯
1. 加熱一油鍋,放培跟塊下去炒,炒到大部份的油脂都出來後,拿一張廚房用紙,將鍋內的油脂吸出,接著放下麵粉跟培跟一起炒,約1-2分鐘。
2. 再來放下青醬和馬士可彭奶油起司下去拌勻,再徐徐的,慢慢的一面攪拌一面加入牛奶和水。注意如果加太快,會油水分離。
3. 起鍋前調一下味道,就可以淋在喜歡的意大利餃子或是意大利麵上了(煮熟的)。也可以加一些喜歡的肉類和蔬菜。照片中的加了雞肉,蕃茄丁,球芽甘蘭,和香料起司粉。
Pesto Mascarpone Sauce
I went to Angelo’s and Vinci’s in Fullerton, CA for one of my good friend’s birthday celebration. The restaurant was nicely decorated with all kinds of Italian decorations including the elevated ceiling. They even have Venetian clowns on a wire across the room, certainly sets a festive mood. I ordered “Romeo and Juliet” from their specialty menu. This dish has two kinds of ravioli, Mezzaluna and Tortellini, in a pesto cream sauce. It was extremely flavorful. I’d certainly go back again!!!
Bacon, cut into chunks ¼ cup
All purpose flour 1 teaspoon
Pesto sauce ¼ cup
Mascarpone cream cheese ¼ cup
Milk 1 cup
Water ½ cup
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Heat up a sauce pan, place the bacon chunks to sauté, until most of the fat is out. Place a paper towel into the frying pan to absorb most of the oil, then add the flour into the bacon to cook, around 1-2 more minutes.
2. Then add the pesto sauce and mascarpone cheese, stir to blend, then slowly stir in the milk and water. Don’t add the liquid too fast or else it will be separated.
3. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste, then scoop sauce over cooked ravioli or pasta. Can also be served with additional meat and vegetables. The Ravioli dish pictured above has chopped roasted chicken breast, buttered Brussels sprouts, fresh chopped tomato, and herbed cheese sprinkle.
Serving: 2-4