中秋節過了,還是蠻熱的,再不上這涼菜,就要等明年夏天了,最近很忙,也不知道在忙什麼,好多想好的故事和食譜都沒時間靜靜的坐下寫出來,Bella正在懺悔中,會趕快一一寫出來的!! 這個做幾捲切開,可以像壽司一樣一顆顆擺出來,開party的時候做個一盤,又好看又好吃!!
份量: 2 捲,約可切12顆
墨西哥薄餅,大號 2 張
生菜 4 片
蕃茄片 6 片
起司 4 片
火腿 6 片
奶油起司 ½ 杯
日曬蕃茄乾,切泥 5-7 枚
1. 將B材料全部量入一碗中,用叉子拌勻。
2. 墨西哥餅皮包在毛巾內進微波爐20秒中,軟了就可以了。
3. 將拌好的B抹醬塗到餅皮上,鋪上生菜,蕃茄片,起司片,火腿片,捲起來。
4. 將捲好的火腿捲切成一口大小,鋪到盤子上,再點綴一些小蕃茄,葡萄串或是草莓,讓整盤火腿捲看起來更高級喔!!
Party Ham Rolls
The best part about this roll is that all the ingredients are right there in your frig!!! It can be served as party platter, or add a side dish to create a weeknight dinner for the family!!
A Ingredients
Tortilla, burrito size 2 slices
Lettuce 4 slices
Tomato, sliced 6 slices
Cheese 4 slices
Ham 6 slices
B Ingredients
Cream cheese ½ cup
Sun-dried tomato, minced 5-7 pieces
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Measure all B ingredients into a bowl, mix with a fork, set aside.
2. Microwave the tortillas in towels for around 20 seconds to soften it.
3. Spread the B spread onto the tortilla, then add the lettuce, tomato slices, cheese slices, ham slices, tightly roll up.
4. Cut the rolls into bite sizes, arrange on a platter, decorate with some cherry tomato, grapes, or strawberries to make the platter more appetizing!!!
Serving: around 12 bite size ones.