藍莓含有天然高單位的抗氧化素,今天的早餐是低卡美容早餐喔!!! 這樣吃也減少了蛋排的油膩感,只是吃完好快就餓了,真糟糕~
份量: 2 人份
蛋 6 顆
牛奶 2 大匙
鹽 ¼ 小匙
橄欖油 2 大匙
沙拉米火腿絲 ½ 杯
藍莓莎莎醬 ¼ 杯
1. 拿一個大碗,打蛋,牛奶,鹽,直到打勻為止。
2. 用一個小不沾鍋加熱一半橄欖油,油熱後,倒入一半的蛋汁,鍋邊緣的蛋會先熟,用筷子把熟的蛋攪到鍋中間,重覆這個步奏直到所有的蛋都都9分熟了,關火,鍋子不動繼續悶到蛋全熟為止。重覆再把另一半的蛋汁也煎成蛋排。
3. 裝盤後灑上火腿絲,再挖一匙藍莓莎莎醬一起食用。
Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜
火雞馬玲薯蛋早餐 Potato Turkey Egg Breakfast
Blueberry Salsa Egg
Eggs 6 pieces
Milk 2 tablespoon
Salt ¼ teaspoon
Olive oil 2 tablespoon
Salami, shredded ½ cup
Blueberry salsa ¼ cup
1. Beat the Eggs, milk and salt in a mixing bowl till blended.
2. Using a small non-stick pan, heat up half of the olive oil, then pour in half of the egg mixture, the egg at the edge of the pan will be done first, use a spatula to whip to the middle, repeat this until most of the eggs are done, put the lid on to cook through. Repeat the steps to cook the other half of the egg mixture.
3. Put the egg onto a plate, sprinkle with salami, pour some Blueberry Salsa on top to serve.
Servings: 2