

搬家來來去去的,把可麗餅的鍋子弄不見了,也不知放哪裡了,這天總算找到了,好好來做幾分可麗餅,好友Sandra聖誕節來美國玩住家裡,來做點早餐一起享用也不錯!! 翻了翻廚櫃,好像沒什麼東西,半天後,就做出了這樣一個可麗餅,還真不錯,Sandra點了個甜口味的,我吃肉鬆蛋鹹的,一頓輕鬆而不可多得的早餐,朋友分隔兩地,要聚聚很不容易,平常Sandra只有對著格子裡的照片流口水的份,下次來,一定更多好吃的!!



份量: 4 人份




牛奶                  190 cc

                      125 cc

中筋麵粉              1

奶油,溶化          3 大匙



小黃瓜絲                  1

魚鬆                         ½

荷包蛋                      4

美乃滋                      ¼

章魚燒醬                  ¼

海苔香鬆                   2 大匙



1. A材料全部量入果汁機中,轉中高速打勻,放一大量杯中蓋上保鮮膜,放冰箱一個小時。也可以前一兩天先做起來,可以放大約48小時。

2. 一個小時候,拿一圓型大平底鍋加熱,梢梢抹些奶油,倒入麵糊,將鍋子拿起來轉一下,讓麵糊能夠均勻的散布到鍋底,煎到表面有些乾乾的,就可以翻面,再煎個幾秒鐘,就可以起鍋了。

3. 將可麗餅皮攤平,淋上美乃滋,想像一個派,切了六等份,在其中一等份,把荷包蛋擺上,灑上小黃瓜絲和魚鬆,,從對面折一半,把有包料的那部份包在中間,再把兩面向內折入,擺入盤中。

4. 將包好的可麗餅擺在盤正中央,淋上美乃滋和章魚燒醬,再灑些海苔香鬆裝飾,趁熱吃。



法式草莓可麗餅     甜點可麗餅

章魚燒醬  章魚燒醬

Breakfastyaki Crepes


This crepe was created when there’s not much in the frig.  But it turned out to be so delicious.  It proves that with a creative mind, anyone can turn out a good meal on the table.  Seriously, try this with anything you might have in the pantry or frig or with your favorite ingredients.  This crepe has endless possibilities!!


A Ingredients

Eggs                              2 heads

Milk                             ¾ cups

Water                           ½ cups

All purpose flour          1 cup

Sugar                            1 tablespoon

Butter, melted              3 tablespoon


B Ingredients

Persian cucumber, shredded           1 cup

Dried fish floss                              ½ cup

Eggs over medium                          4 pieces

Mayonnaise                                      ¼ cup

Takoyaki sauce                              ¼ cup

Seaweed Mix Sprinkle                    2 tablespoon



1. Measure all A ingredients into a blender, blender in medium high speed until well blended.  Pour batter into a big measuring cup and cover with plastic wrap.  Place in the refrigerator for 1 hour, up to 48 hours. 

2. After one hour, heat up a 10-12 inch flat bottom frying pan, rub some butter on the surface, ladle in the batter, swirl to evenly coat the bottom, cook until the crepe looks dry. Then flip, cook an additional several seconds, remove from pan and place on a clean working surface. 

3. Place the crepes flat on a surface.  Drizzle with mayonnaise.  Imagine a pie chart divided into six portions, on one of the triangle, place the egg, top with some shredded cucumber and dried fish floss.  Fold the crepe across in half, so the filling is in the middle triangle, then fold in the left and right triangle.  Place the crepe in the middle of a plate, then drizzle with mayonnaise and takoyaki sauce.  Finish with some Seaweed mix sprinkles and serve hot.     


Serving: 4



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