

昨天偷得浮生半日閑, 自己一個人躲在家裡優閑,南加州這幾天天氣晴朗,不冷不熱,太陽照到臉上也不覺得燙,把手機轉靜音,早上趁早,請室友Peter幫我拍了兩個教學短片,早餐吃的豐盛,洗完一大堆碗後,坐下來在電腦前蘑菇了一會兒, 外面天氣這麼好,坐不住了就拿著把剪刀和一個藤籃,踅到院子裡尋找可以吃的東西,在檸檬樹下逗留了一會兒,剪了不少檸檬,跟鄰居家隔著一道矮牆有一顆小橘子樹,樹上的橘子又紅又大,在樹上紅熟的橘子有一股特別的香味, 也剪了幾顆放水果籃裡。美國法律規定,樹雖然是種在他家,可長過了我家牆頭就算我們的,這個鄰居20幾年了,人非常好,他們吃我們的檸檬,我們摘他們家的橘子,也算公平

拎著重重的籃子,我走到了車庫旁,有一大株薰衣草,花開的好漂亮好香,忍不住剪了幾朵等下做菜用,冰箱裡有一點一點剩下的菜,中午拿來做個一人份的沙拉剛剛好,配上剛摘的新鮮檸檬和院子裡的薄荷調出來的沙拉醬,吃完後全身清爽,下午也沒有愛睏,活力充沛的出門買要幫麗子姊上菜的材料!! 大家拭目以待麗子姊上我的菜喔!!! 先不告訴大家是什麼菜,美式的,很辣就是了,大家要不要猜猜是啥菜呢?! (^_−)−

份量: 1 人份


魚排                               1

麵粉                               1 大匙

                                   1 大匙 


英式黃瓜,刮成螺旋薄片        6

羽衣甘藍,撕小塊                    1

紅蘿蔔絲                               ½

球芽甘藍,切細絲                    3

紅甜椒,切薄絲                      ¼

紅洋蔥絲                               ¼  


芝麻菜                                    1

奶油果,切片                            6



檸檬汁                            2 大匙

橘子果醬                        1 大匙

蜂蜜                                1 大匙

芥末籽醬                        1 小匙

蒜泥                                1 小匙

薄荷葉,切末                   1 小匙

橘子味小紅莓乾            2 大匙

橄欖油                           2 大匙

鹽與黑胡椒粉                   適量




1. D材料除了橄欖油外,全量入一大碗中,一面攪拌一面徐徐加入橄欖油,這樣才有乳化的效果,再調味,鹽糖黑胡椒粉

2. B材料全量入放了D材料的大碗中,拌勻,讓菜在醬中醃一下,風味更佳

3. 再來準備魚,將油放入一平底鍋中加熱,魚塊兩面沾上麵粉,到鍋中煎熟,盛出放紙上瀝乾多餘油脂,切成一口大小

4. 再來擺盤,芝麻菜放入醃了的B材料中拌勻,擺到盤中,擺上奶油果片,再擺上魚塊

5. 要是家裡有可以吃的花,摘下來洗一洗,可以放入沙拉中一起吃


: 不一定要用我的材料,記得這是剩菜剩料做出來的沙拉,所以家裡有什麼材料都可以用,在檸檬汁裡醃過的材料要稍微強壯一些,如果是生菜類的可能就會被醃的爛爛的,稍微嫩一點的菜要在食用前才加




蟹肉沙拉 鮮蝦檸檬漬  

         鮮蝦檸檬漬              蟹肉沙拉



Garden Tea Salad

The weather is super nice lately in southernCalifornia.  Not too hot, not too cold, and the sunshine doesn’t scorch! So I decided to take a personal day off, just to do whatever it is I please.  As it turns out, it was a super productive day.  First I filmed two episodes of cooking short clips with my roommate, Peter.  Then I sat in front of my laptop for a while, but the nice weather was just too tempting.  I picked up a baskets and a pair of scissors, went into the yard to find edible material for the kitchen.  And I had a harvest!!! When I got back in the house, I had lemons, Clementines, mints, lavender flowers, edible flowers, rosemary and the sorts.  So I made myself a salad.  Hope you guys enjoy what a good sunshine day had inspired me. 


A Ingredients                 

Fish fillet                         1 piece

Flour                               1 tablespoon

Oil                                   1 tablespoon 

B Ingredients

English cucumber                     6 slices (grate into thin swirly slices)

Kale, tear into bite size              1 cup

Carrots, shredded                     ½ cup

Brussels sprouts, shredded          3 pieces

Red bell pepper                         ¼ cup (thinly slices)

Red onion, thin slices               ¼ cup

C Ingredients

Arugula                         1 cup

Avocado, sliced              6 slices 

D Ingredients

Fresh lemon juice                    2 tablespoon

Orange marmalade                   1 tablespoon

Honey                                       1 tablespoon

Dijon Mustard, whole               1 teaspoon

Garlic, minced                           1 teaspoon

Mint, minced                            1 teaspoon

Cranberry, orange flavored      2 tablespoon

Olive oil                                   2 tablespoon

Salt and pepper                           to taste 


1. Reserve the olive oil, measure the rest of the D ingredients into a medium mixing bowl.  Slowing add the olive oil in while beating the dressing to emulsify the dressing.  Salt, sugar, and pepper to taste.

2. Place all B ingredients into the mixing bowl with the dressing, let the ingredients sit while you prepare the rest of the salad.  

3. Then prepare the fish, heat the oil in a frying pan, lightly bread the two sides of the fish fillet and place into the hot frying pan.  Cook a few minutes on each side, then place onto a couple of kitchen towels to absorb excess oil. Cut into bite size pieces.

4. While plating, toss the arugula into the marinated veges, place into a salad bowl or a plate, then place the avocado slices onto the salad, top with the fish fillet. 

5. If you have any edible flowers, pick them and wash them, place on the plate to decorate the salad or serve with the salad.


Serving: 1



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