



 份量: 2 人份



西洋梨                                      半顆

奶油                                           1 大匙

皮塔餅                                       3

Gorgonzola起司,剝大塊       ½

橄欖油                                       2 大匙

馬自拉起司絲                          1


B Manchego起司醬料

奶油                            1 小匙

麵粉                            1 小匙

牛奶                           ½

Manchego起司絲      ½

荳蔻粉                      1/8 小匙




1. 拿一小湯鍋加熱B材料的奶油,到梢微有點咖啡色後,放入麵粉炒一炒,把生麵粉味炒掉,再徐徐的一面攪拌一面加入牛奶,不可以加太快,都拌勻後加入剩餘的所有B材料,關火。

2. 拿一不沾鍋加熱A材料的奶油,將西洋梨去核切片,放入鍋中煎至金黃。

3. 預熱烤箱375(190C),在一烤盤上鋪鋁箔紙,將皮塔餅底部刷上橄欖油,放入烤盤中,底向下,再將剩下的橄欖油刷皮塔餅外圈(沒有餡料的地方),將B醬塗在皮塔餅上,擺上煎過的西洋梨和Gorgonzola 起司塊,灑上馬自拉起司絲,最後如果家中有,再灑一些意大利披薩香料。

4. 進烤箱,放最上層,375度烤10-12 分鐘。


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Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜

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   烤蕃茄起司披薩          青醬火雞松子披薩          青醬鮮蝦沙拉披薩


Pear and Gorgonzola Pita Pizza


A Ingredients

Barlett pears                              half head

Butter                                            1 tablespoon

Pita bread                                       3 pieces

Gorgonzola cheese, chunks          ½ cup

Olive oil                                         2 tablespoon

Mozzarella cheese, shredded         1 cup


B Ingredients

Butter                                         1 teaspoon

Flour                                           1 teaspoon

Milk                                           ½ cup

Manchego cheese, gratted         ½ cup

Nutmeg, gound                        1/8 teaspoon

Salt and pepper to taste




1. Brown the B Ingredients butter in a small sauce pan, add the flour, when the raw flour smell is gone, add the milk slowly while whisking, then add the rest of B ingredients, remove from heat.

2. Heat the butter from A ingredients in a skillet, cut the pear into slices, cook till golden brown.

3. Preheat the oven to 375 degree, line a baking sheet with foil, brush the bottom of pita breads with olive oil, place on baking sheets, bottom side down, brush the outer rim of pita bread tops with olive oil, spread with Machengo cheese sauce, then add the pear slices and gorgonzola cheese chunks, sprinkle with Mozzarella cheese on top, sprinkle with some pizza seasoning if available.   

4. Bake the pita pizza in the oven, 375 for 10-12 minutes.  Serve hot.



Serving: 2




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