



分量: 2



無鹽奶油                115 ( ½ or 1 stick)

白砂糖                    175


香草精                       ½ 小匙



中筋麵粉               240

泡打粉                   1 ½ 小匙

                              ¼ 小匙



杏仁                        110 ( ½ )



1. 預熱烤箱350°F/180°C

2. B材料量好篩入一大盆中。將杏仁放入一個小乾鍋中炒到香味四溢,表皮油亮。

3. 無鹽奶油放室溫30分鐘稍軟,切成大塊,放入攪拌機的鋼盆中,打發到奶油蓬鬆到像蛋糕上鮮奶油那種質地,分幾次加入糖再打發,在分兩次打入蛋和香草精。

4. 分三次低速辦入篩好的B料,直到沒有粉粒在鋼底,再用刮刀拌入C材料。不要用機器因為會把杏仁片打碎。

5. 將麵團倒到一個鋪了烤盤紙,灑了手粉的平烤盤上,分成兩等份,用手將兩個麵團,各捏成一個扁扁的長條狀,若黏手可多沾些手粉,若天氣熱真是太不容易操作,可以放冰箱裡冷藏個15分鐘再操作,進烤箱烤 25-30分鐘。

6. 將餅乾拿出來,在烤盤中不移動放涼10分鐘,再移置空心架放全涼約20分鐘,再切長條,約手指的長寬,將餅乾條放回烤盤上,平的那面朝下,切片面向著兩邊,進烤箱再烤10-12分鐘,到表面酥脆有些硬硬的。

7. 出爐放空心架全涼,收藏於密封罐中。



杏仁瓦片   杏仁瓦片

巧克力核桃餅乾   巧克力核桃餅乾

鬆餅粉做餅乾   鬆餅粉做餅乾

Venetian Almond Biscotti


This recipe is super easy to prepare.  I’ve given them out as gifts in boxes or cello bags and these cookies always win over anyone who’s ever tasted them. Makes some great party favors, too.  So don’t wait another minute before you try this.  Make more than one batch cuz these biscotti cookies goes lightening fast!!!


A Ingredients

Unsalted butter          ½ cup (115 g or 1 stick)

Sugar                        175 g

Eggs                             2 heads

Vanilla extract             ½ teaspoon


B Ingredients

All-purpose flour       240 g

Baking powder          1 ½ teaspoon

Salt                                ¼ teaspoon



C Ingredients

Almonds                  110 g (1/2 cup)



1.  Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C.

2. Measure and sift all B ingredients into a bowl.  Toast the almonds in a small dry pan until fragrant and the almond skin looks oily. 

3. Cut the butter into chunks and let sit at room temperature for 20-30 minutes.  Then place the butter into a mixing bowl, beat until fluffy, beat in the sugar in 2 batches, then beat in the eggs and vanilla extract in two batches.

4. On low speed, fold in B ingredients in three batches until no loose powder in the bowl.  Then add the almonds into the batter with a spatula.  Fold by hand to avoid breaking the almonds. 

5. Pour the batter into a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and lightly floured.  Divide into two equal portions.  Shape the two portions by hand into two long flat disc.  If the batter is too sticky to handle, put the whole baking sheet into the frig for 15 minutes.  Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes until golden brown. 

6. Let the cookie blocks cool in pan for 10 minutes, then carefully remove the cookie blocks onto a wired rack to cool completely, around 20 minutes.  Then slice the each cookies blocks into 12 equal portions into long sticks.  Pace the sticks onto the baking sheet again, flat side down, cut sides to the side, bake in the oven for an additional 10-12 minutes, until crispy on all sides. 

7. Let cool on wired rack, store in air-tight container for a couple of weeks. 


Serving: 2 dozen



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