
我家爸爸是挑嘴出了名的,中國胃,只吃自己喜歡的,這不吃那不吃的,尤其討厭日本壽司,所以我幾年前第一次做這個 日式豬排三明治,有給爹地老人家準備飯菜,以為他不會喜歡吃,誰知道媽咪回來問我還有沒有,爹地還要第二份想不到爹地也有吃日本料理的一天!! 大家試試喔,說不定你們家的老爺子們,也會想要回來要第二份豬排三明治!


份量: 4 人份


I. 豬排醬材料

蕃茄醬             1

味琳                 ½

烏醋                 2 大匙

梅林辣醬油     2 大匙

蠔油                 1 大匙

柴魚素             ¼ 小匙



1. 將所有材料量入一湯鍋中拌勻煮開後熄火。


II. 洋蔥絲料

洋蔥絲                     ½

鹽與黑胡椒粉             少許

辣椒油                    ½ 小匙



1. 將切好的洋蔥絲泡水3-5分鐘,去除辛辣味。撈出瀝乾水份。

2. 再把鹽與黑胡椒粉灑在洋蔥絲上拌勻,再拌入辣椒油醃一下。


III. 豬排材料

豬排                    4

鹽與黑胡椒粉        適量

                         2 (我喜歡用花生油)

低筋麵粉            ½


                         1 大匙

麵包粉                 1



1. 將鹽與黑胡椒粉灑到豬排上醃一下,約5-10分鐘。

2. 起一油鍋加熱兩杯的油,等下炸豬排用。再將蛋與水放入一大碗中打勻。

3. 拿三個淺盤分別把低筋麵粉,蛋液,麵包粉各放入一個盤中。

4. 將醃好的豬排兩面沾上低筋麵粉,再沾蛋液,再沾麵包粉,放入油鍋中炸至金黃,約4-5分鐘,放廚房用紙上瀝油一下。


IV. 三明治料

白吐司麵包            8

奶油                        2 大匙

高麗菜絲             1-2

蕃茄片                    8

芥末籽醬                2 大匙(可省略)



1. 拿一平底鍋加熱,中小火,將奶油塗到吐司麵包的其中一面,再將吐司,奶油面朝下,放到平底鍋中煎一下,至金黃香脆,拿出來排到盤子中,奶油面朝外。

2. 將兩片吐司麵包內面塗上少許芥末籽醬,鋪上高麗菜絲,蕃茄片,洋蔥絲,再將炸好的豬排放到上面,淋上豬排醬,蓋上吐司麵包,就是美味的日式豬排三明治啦!!




DSC05452.Copy.jpg  迷你總匯三明治


Japanese Katsu Sandwich


This is an authentic Japanese KatsuSandwich.  You’ve got to try it. 


I. Pork Chop Sauce Ingredients

Ketchup                           1 cup

Mirin                               ½ cup

Black rice vinegar            2 tablespoon

Worcestershire sauce        2 tablespoon

Oyster sauce                     1 tablespon

Hondashi                         ¼ teaspoon



1. Measure all above ingredients into a small sauce pan and heat until boiling.  Then remove from heat to cool. 


II.  Onion Ingredients

Onion, shredded             ½ cup
Salt and pepper                   to taste

Chili oil                           ½ teaspoon



1. Soak the shredded onion in water for 3-5 minutes to remove part of the spiciness.  Then drain the water. 

2. Sprinkle with salt and pepper onto the shredded onion, and mix in the chili oil.  Toss to coat. 


III. Pork Chop Ingredients

Pork chops                         4 pieces

Salt and pepper                 to taste

Oil                                     2 cups (preferably peanut oil)

Cake Flour                        ½ cup

Egg                                    1 piece

Water                                 1 tablespoon

Panko bread crumb            1 cup



1. Season the pork chops with salt and pepper, let sit 5-10 minutes. 

2. Heat the two cups of oil in a sauté pan for frying the pork chops later.  Beat the egg and the water until blended to create an egg wash. 

3. Place the cake flour, egg wash, and panko bread crumb each into its own individual plates for dipping. 

4. Dip both side of the pork chops onto the cake flour, then the egg wash, then panko bread crumb.  Fry in the oil for about 4-5 minutes or until golden brown.  Drain and lace the pork chops onto paper towels to absorb excess oil. 


IV. Sandwich ingredients

Toasts                                  8 slices

Butter, salted                       2 tablespoon

Cabbage, shredded          1-2 cups

Tomato, sliced                     8 slices

Dijonmustard seed sauce    2 tablespoon (Optional)



1. Heat a griddle or frying pan on medium low heat.  Spread butter onto one side of each slice of toast, place the toast, butter side down, onto the hot griddle.  Grill until golden brown and crispy.  Spread the other side withDijonmustard seed. 

2.  Place the toast slices,Dijonmustard side up, onto serving plates.  Place the shredded cabbage, sliced tomato, shredded onions on top, then place the pork chop on top, drizzle with Pork Chop sauce.  Then place the toast on top, serve with salads or chips. 


Serving: 4



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