



份量: 2 12吋大披薩





溫水                       50

乾酵母                 2 ¼ 小匙


橄欖油                     3 大匙

高筋麵粉             455

雪花鹽                 1 ½ 小匙



1. 在一大碗中倒入溫水和乾酵母,靜置5-10分鐘。

2. 加入水和橄欖油拌勻,再將高筋麵粉和雪花鹽慢慢用手和進濕料中,揉成一個麵團後,記住只要成團就可以了,不須要揉到光滑,蓋上一條溼毛巾,讓麵團在碗裡休息20分鐘。

3. 休息20分鐘後,再用手將麵團揉成均勻平滑的麵團,約3-6分鐘。

4. 拿一個大碗在裡面抹上橄欖油,將麵團放進去發酵,約45-60分鐘,到兩倍大。

5. 將麵團拿出來,用手將麵團裡頭較大的氣泡打出來,就可以整型成披薩皮了,圓的方的小的隨意。用不完的披薩皮可以密封在塑膠袋中放冷凍庫,隨時要吃再拿下來退冰,就可以用了!!


II. 西洋梨起司餡



動物性鮮奶油                             1

酸奶油                                        2 大匙

帕米香起司絲                            ½

橄欖油                                         2 大匙

洋蔥絲                                         2

西洋梨,切小片                        1

Gorgonzola起司,剝小塊         1

鹽與黑胡椒粉                                適量


橄欖油                                        1 大匙



1. 將動物性鮮奶油在一小湯鍋中,以中小火加熱,煮約10-15分鐘,要時常攪拌,煮到濃縮一半時,加入酸奶油和帕米香起司絲,一起拌勻融化,就可以關火了。

2. 同時,拿一炒鍋加熱橄欖油,油熱了就把洋蔥絲倒下去炒,炒約10-15分鐘,到洋蔥是半透明的咖啡色,有點焦焦的,就可以關火了,灑點鹽與黑胡椒粉調味。

3. 將披薩皮整型成自己喜歡的型狀,抹上起司醬,擺上梨子片,灑上焦焦的洋蔥絲,再把Gorgonzola起司塊灑到披薩上,灑點鹽與黑胡椒粉。

4. B材料的橄欖油,用刷子刷到披薩皮沒有料的邊邊,放烤箱375°F/190°C,烤約15-18分鐘,出爐後,稍等個3-5分鐘再將披薩切塊,太快切起司會流的到處都是。

西洋梨起司披薩 西洋梨起司披薩   


煎餅披薩      煎餅披薩   ☆奇摩首頁☆


頭檯小披薩    頭檯小披薩 ☆奇摩首頁☆

Pear and Gorgonzola Pizza


I. Pizza dough



Warm water             ¼ cup

Active dry yeast          2 ¼ teaspoon

Water                          1 cup

Olive oil                   3 tablespoon

Bread flour       3 ¼ cups

Salt                   1 ½ teaspoon



1. Pour the warm water and active dry yeast into a big mixing bowl, let rest 5-10 minutes.

2. Add water and olive into the bowl, then slowly incorporate the flour and salt into the wet ingredients.  When all the ingredients barely comes together into a ball, cover the mixing bowl with a damp towel, let the dough rest for 20 minutes. 

3. After resting for 20 minutes, knead the dough for 5 minutes until it’s smooth and elastic. 

4. Brush the inside of a large mixing bowl with extra olive oil.  Place the dough into the bowl, turn once to coat both side with olive oil.  Let rise till doubled, around 45-60 minutes. 

5. Remove the pizza dough from the bowl, punch down the dough to remove the big air bubbles.  Shape the dough into desired pizza shape.  Wrap extra pizza dough in a plastic bag and store in freezer for future use. 


II. Pear and gorgonzola filling


A Ingredients

Heavy whipping cream                  1 cup

Sour Cream                                     2 tablespoon

Parmesan cheese, shredded           ½ cup

Olive oil                                           2 tablespoon

Onion, shredded                              2 heads

D’Anjou pears, sliced                      1 head

Gorgonzola cheese, chunks             1 cup

Salt and pepper                                   to taste


B Ingredients
Olive oil                  1 tablespoon



1. Reduce the heavy whipping cream in a small sauce pan with medium low heat, stir constantly until the cream is reduced in half, around 10-15 minutes.  Then add the sour cream and shredded Parmesan cheese.  Remove from heat once the cheese melts and incorporated into the cream.

2. Meanwhile, heat up the olive oil from A ingredients in a medium frying pan, add the shredded onion to cook until caramelized, around 10-15 minutes, salt and pepper to taste.

3. Shape the pizza dough into desired shape, spread with cheese sauce, place the sliced pear, sprinkle with caramelized onion, then top with gorgonzola cheese chunks.  Then add a bit of salt and pepper to the top of the pizza. 

4. Brush the Olive oil in B ingredients onto the pizza crust.  Bake in the oven 375°F/190°C for about 15-18 minutes, until the crust is golden brown.  Wait 3-5 minutes after removing from oven to slice the pizza into serving pieces, this will allow the cheese to cool down a bit. 


Servings: 12 inch pizza x 2



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