
好吃的白醬意大利麵不用到餐廳裡去吃喔,自己在家做起來超級快速簡單!!! 不是每個人都喜歡意式紅醬,所以今天來做個白醬,大家試試!!!


我家媽咪已經暗示了很久,說要吃白醬,要吃意式菠菜餃子,我就先做個白醬起來放著,在冰箱裡找到一塊煙燻Gouda起司,沒看到帕米香起司,就用Gouda!! 這個醬是所有意式奶醬的基本,再加點青醬或是紅醬,就又變了不同的味道和顏色,大家可以自己發揮想像力!!!


說到暗示,大家要多多聽媽媽的暗示喔,上一次我媽咪暗示我做的繽紛炒飯,先上了奇摩精選,再上痞客專欄,又上了奇摩首頁,再上了熱門訂閱排行榜,我現在第四名呢!! 所以大家要多聽媽媽的暗示喔!! (^_−)−

份量: 2 人份



奶油                        2 大匙

麵粉                        2 大匙

牛奶                        2

Gouda起司絲    100

                          ¼ 小匙

黑胡椒粉              ½ 小匙

荳蔻粉                 1/8 小匙



1. 拿一湯鍋加熱奶油,融化了後,轉中小火再加熱到有點金黃色,這樣奶油比較香濃。

2. 把麵粉倒入熱奶油中,炒到融化了,再炒1-2 分鐘,到有香味。

3. 一面攪拌,一面將牛奶徐徐倒入鍋中,不要加太快,不然牛奶和麵糊會分離。

4. 將所有剩下的材料加入,攪拌到起司融化,約2-3分鐘。

5. 將醬料倒到煮好的意大利麵上,就是白醬意大利麵了,也可以加入自己喜歡的料,蘑菇,雞肉,鮮蝦,菠菜等,再灑一點起司粉就可以上桌啦!!!

意式白醬 意式白醬   

Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜


Bechamel Sauce


This is a simple, made from scratch Bechamel sauce.  This white sauce is the basic foundation of many other cream sauces.  If add pesto, this sauce becomes pesto cream sauce; if add red sauce, it becomes tomato cream sauce.  There are endless possibilities.  A little creativity goes a long way, guys!!! (^_−)−



Butter                                    2 tablespoon

Flour                                      2 tablespoon

Milk                                       2 cups

Gouda cheese, shredded    100 g (1 cup)

Salt                                        ¼ teaspoon

Ground Blk pepper             1/8 teaspoon

Ground nutmeg                     ½ teaspoon



1. Heat up the butter in a sauce pan, after melted, turn down the heat to medium low, cook an additional 1-2 minutes until golden brown, before brown butter. 

2. Add flour to pan, stir until incorporated, then stir an additional 1-2 minutes, until the batter smells cooked, not raw. 

3. Slowly add the milk into batter while stirring.  Don’t add too fast or else the milk and batter will separate. 

4. Add the remaining ingredients, stir until incorporated and cheese melted, around 2-3 minutes. 

5. Pour the hot Alfredo sauce over a bed of cooked pasta, serve hot with cheese sprinkles.  Add favorite ingredients such as mushrooms, chicken, shrimp, spinach…etc. 


Serving: 2


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