

這道沙拉是跟一個叫做Sarah的女生友人學來的,我在party上吃到,覺得很好吃,她就口述簡約作法給我,在場的另一個媽媽說,她說起來都好簡單,我們回家做都很難,我沒說話,但我回家就做的出來,反正就是沙拉嘛,不外乎就是菜加醬汁,不懂的地方,就發揮想像力囉,你們說是不是!!!  (^_−)−


份量: 6 人份



球芽甘蘭                        500

羽衣甘蘭,撕小塊            1

紅洋蔥丁                            ¼

蔓越莓乾                            ¼



蜂蜜                  1 大匙

檸檬皮屑          2

檸檬汁             ¼

第戎芥末醬      1 小匙

橄欖油              6 大匙




1. B醬料的材料,除了橄欖油外,通通量入一大碗中,一面攪拌一面徐徐加入橄欖油打勻乳化,再加入鹽與黑胡椒粉調味。

2. A材料的洋蔥丁和蔓越莓乾放入拌好的B醬中浸泡,備用。

3. A材料的球芽甘蘭和羽衣甘蘭用熱水穿燙一下,約1分鐘,再放入冰水降溫後,撈出擰乾,將球芽甘蘭切成細絲,像高麗菜絲一樣。

4. 把所有材料倒入一大碗中,拌勻,馬上上桌,或是放冰箱30分鐘後食用,風味更佳。



 蟹肉沙拉  蜂蜜檸檬波菜沙拉

         蟹肉沙拉             蜂蜜檸檬菠菜沙拉


Brussels Sprout Salad


This salad was verbally given to me by one of my friend, Sarah.  She really didn’t say much, just said it was a red wine vinaigrette.  I didn’t have red wine vinegar at the apartment, so I used lemon juice instead, and add a little bit of my imagination.  This salad was the perfect accompaniment to the salmon lunch we had. 


A Ingredients

Brussels sprouts          2 lb

Kale                            1 bunch

Red onion, chopped   ¼ cup

Dried cranberries        ¼ cup


B Ingredients

Honey                    2 tablespoon

Lemon zest            2 heads

Lemon juice          ¼ cup

Dijon mustard        1 teaspoon

Olive oil                 6 tablespoon

Salt and pepper to taste



1. Reserve the olive oil in B Ingredients, measure all other B ingredients into a mixing bowl.  Then beat in the olive oil in a thin steady stream to emulsify the dressing.

2. Place the chopped onion and dried cranberry into the prepared dressing to marinade, for about 10-15 minutes while the slaws are being prepared.

3. Tear the kale into bite size pieces.  Blanch the Brussels sprouts and kale in boiling water separately, around 1-2 minutes, let cool in a tub of ice water, then drain.  Shred the Brussels sprouts into think slaws with a knife or food processor.  

4. Toss all ingredients together in a big mixing bowl, serve immediately or let sit in frig 30 minutes, tastes even better


Serving: 6


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