

感恩節的隔天,我,弟弟,和堂弟Leo應邀到南加州有名的新港海灘親戚家作客,每次去到這棟美麗的洋房,感覺都很舒暢,這兩老公婆又很合善親切,特別喜歡我,我那天還特地下廚幫忙他們料理大家的午餐,他們在酒園都有見識過我的功力了,所以馬上高高興興的把廚房交給我了。那天中午,我幫他們烤了一道火雞胸肉加上蔬果,大家都吃的很開心,飯後甜點是在海邊一家小小烘培屋的蘋果派,配上Haagen.Dazs 冰淇淋,好好吃,我一個人快把他整個派吃光了,那天,真應該把剩下的也打包帶回家的,那之後,我就一直在找那個同樣的好味道,這道烤蘋果很像,但是還是差了點啥,聊剩於無囉!!! 改天找個時間,開車回新港海邊,再去買這美味蘋果派!!!


份量: 6 人份



蘋果,去皮核切片              3-4

檸檬汁,新鮮                      1 大匙

荳蔻粉                                 ¼ 小匙

眾香子粉                              ¼ 小匙



燕麥                                     ½

中筋麵粉                             ¼

紅糖                                     ¼

肉桂粉                                  1 小匙

荳蔻粉                                 ¼ 小匙

奶油,冰                              3 大匙



1. 拿一派盤或是磁烤盤,抹點油備用 ,預熱烤箱350°F

2. A材料全放入一大碗中,用手將香料和檸檬汁揉進蘋果片中,將蘋果片放入派盤或是磁烤盤中。

3. B材料全部放入另一大碗中,用酥皮切刀或是叉子將奶油切進乾料中,直到像餅乾屑那樣的質地,均勻的灑在蘋果片上。

4. 進烤箱烤約35-40 分鐘,端看蘋果多少,烤盤深淺,出爐後放涼3-5分鐘,分盛入小碗中,再挖一杓香草冰淇淋一起吃,人間美味!!!






Apple Crumble


When I’m too lazy to make a whole apple pie, I make this simple version of delicious baked apple with toppings.  It’s super simple and easy to make.  All the ingredients are pantry ready.  There is no dessert more convenient than this one!!! The scoop of ice cream on top really makes a great big difference in serving, the tartness of the apple was enhanced by it.  There are several levels of flavors.  This is a recipe one’s gotta try!!!


A Ingreidents

Apples, peeled, cored, and sliced           3-4 heads

Lemon juice, freshly squeezed                     1 tablespoon

Ground Nutmeg                                         ¼ teaspoon

Ground allspice                                          ¼ teaspoon


B Ingredients

Rolled Oats                             ½ cup

All purpose flour                     ¼ cup

Packed brown sugar                ¼ cup

Ground cinnamon                     1 teaspoon

Ground nutmeg                        ¼ teaspoon

Butter, chilled                            3 tablespoon



1. Spray a pie or baking dish with cooking spray.  Preheat oven to 350°F.

2. Place A ingredients into a mixing bowl, toss with hand to coat the sliced apples with spices and lemon juice.  Then place all the apple slices into a baking dish. 

3. Place B ingredients into a mixing bowl, cut the mixture with a pastry cutter of a fork until it resembles bread crumbs.  Spread the mixture evenly onto the sliced apples in the baking dish.

4. Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes, depending on the amount of apple and the baking dish. Let cool 3-5 minutes before scooping into individual serving bowls, top with one scoop of vanilla ice cream, serve warm!!


Serving: 6


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