

前幾天買了幾條法國柺杖麵包, 後來跑出去了所以沒趁新鮮吃完, 今天切了丁想說拿來做甜麵包布蕾布丁, 但是早上起來想吃鹹的, 所以就加了火腿, 和冰箱裡找的到的材料, 做成了早餐鹹布丁, 味道很棒耶, 烤時滿室生香, 早餐吃這個配上一杯香濃的咖啡, 真是幸福!! 自己一個人也可以怡然自得喔!!


份量 : 6 人份



麵包丁                   4

火腿, 切丁            ½

洋蔥丁                  ¼

玉米粒                  ½

花椰菜                  ½

帕米香起司粉      ¼

巴西里屑                 1 大匙




                        1 小匙

牛奶                  ½

高湯                  ½


作法                           ,

1. 預熱烤箱 350F

2. B材料全部量入一大碗中, 用叉子打攪均勻。

3. A材料全倒入一大盆中, 倒入打好的B材料, 用木頭長杓攪拌均勻後, 倒入噴了油的, 合適的烤盤中。

4. 進烤箱烤約40-45 分鐘, 出爐後放涼5-10分鐘, 用鍋鏟挖方塊放到盤中







Breakfast Ham Pudding


When Mr. Baguettes was having a sale on their French baguettes, I bought a whole bunch of them.  So here I sat with a bunch of staled baguettes.  Originally I had wanted to make them into Crème Brulee bread pudding.  In this chilly murky morning, I craved some hot salty robust breakfast.  So I invented this salty bread pudding.   While it was baking, the whole house smells so good.  Everyone woke up and asked what’s for breakfast!!!!


A Ingredients

Bread cubes                             4 cups

Ham, cubes                            ½ cup

Onions, chopped                   ¼ cup

Whole kernel corn                 ½ cup

Broccoli florets                       ½ cup

Parmesan cheese, greated       ¼ cup

Parsley, minced                          1 tablespoon       


B Ingredients

Eggs                4 pieces

Salt                 1 teaspoon

Milk               ½ cup

Stock             ½ cup



1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 

2. Measure all B ingredients into a bowl, beat with a fork until blended. 

3. Measure all the A ingredients into a big mixing bowl, add the beated B ingredients, toss with long wooden spoons, pour into a greased baking dish.

4. Bake in the oven for about 40-45 minutes, let cool 5-10 minutes before slicing, serve hot. 


Serving: 6


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