
肉球這種東西真的是怎麼做怎麼好吃,有什麼剩菜都可以丟進去,肉球又可以再做成多種不同美味餐點,變化多樣! 肉球三明治也很好吃喔!!



份量: 1



絞牛肉                      480

絞豬肉                      350

鼠尾草,切碎              1 大匙

麵包屑                         ½


白脫牛奶                    2 大匙

蒜頭鹽                         1 小匙

洋蔥粉                        ½ 小匙

                                ½ 小匙



迷你堡包                    12

美乃滋                        4 大匙

黑胡椒粉                   ½ 小匙

蕃茄醬                       1 大匙

生菜                            12

蕃茄片                        12



1. 預熱烤箱400°F。將所有A材料量入一大盆中,用雙手下去拌勻,再均分成12等份,放入一個鋪了鋁箔紙的深烤盤中。

2. 入烤箱烤約25-35分鐘。

3. 將美乃滋塗到迷你堡上,灑上黑胡椒粉,鋪上生菜和蕃茄片,灑點蕃茄醬,不要太多,一點點就好,將肉球放到蕃茄片上,再蓋上迷你堡包,用牙籤固定,就可以上桌啦!!



鳳梨起司漢堡  DSC05458.Copy.jpg   

       鳳梨起司漢堡             香腸漢堡


Meatball Sliders


A Ingredients

Ground beef                480 g

Ground pork                350 g

Rosemary, minced           1 tablespoon             

Bread crumbs                  ½ cup

Egg                                   1 piece

Buttermilk                         2 tablespoon

Garlic salt                         1 teaspoon

Onion Powder              ½ teaspoon

Salt                               ½ teaspoon


B Ingredients

Mini burger buns          12

Mayonnaise                    4 tablespoon

Ground black pepper     ½ teaspoon

Ketchup                         1 tablespoon

Lettuces                       12 pieces

Tomato slices              12 slices



1. Preheat oven to 400°FMeasure all A ingredient into a mixing bowl, blend with hands, then divide into 12 equal portions, place the meatballs onto a foil lined baking dish.

2. Bake in the oven for 25-35 minutes until cooked through. 

3. Spread the mayonnaise onto the mini buns, sprinkle with ground black pepper, place the lettuce and tomato slices onto the bottom buns, drizzle with ketchup, not too much, just a sprinkle, place the meatballs onto the bun on top of the tomato slices, then top with the lid of the mini bun, secure with a toothpick, serve hot or cold. 


Serving: 1 dozen


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