

昨天去Costco逛逛時,媽咪盯著一條上面有核桃的香蕉核桃麵包流口水,還跟我說那樣看起來真好吃,看看是好,這些洋人的糕點華人有個共識是不碰的,因為絕對甜的要命,核桃也只有鋪在表面,吃不到幾顆,自己做的,我都放很多,一次吃個夠!! 這種麵包最好是用熟透,快要爛掉的香蕉,做出來會特別香喔!! 事實上,這個麵包聽說是美國婦女在第二次世界大戰時發明的,那時食物很珍貴,香蕉捨不得吃,放到爛了也是要吃掉的,所以這個麵包就這麼發明出來的,不知道是不是真的!! 不過說真的,有得吃是福氣,人人都應該要珍惜食物,尤其是近年來每每有大量屯糧的新聞,現在不知道珍惜,將來要是有什麼饑荒或是戰爭的,是沒得吃的,所以大家一定不要浪費食物。


份量: 一條



中筋麵粉             260

白砂糖                 240  

泡打粉                     2 小匙

小蘇打粉                 ½ 小匙

                           ¼ 小匙



奶油,稍稍回溫        80

香蕉泥                    250

蜂蜜                           2 大匙

牛奶                           2 大匙

核桃                         50          



燕麥片           30

紅糖               30

肉桂粉           1/8 小匙

奶油               15

核桃               20         



1. 預熱烤箱 350°F/180°C。剪一塊烤盤紙鋪在12兩的麵包模底部和兩邊,噴油。

2. A材料量入一個大盆中。

3. 在一大盆中打發奶油,分次加入香蕉泥,蜂蜜和牛奶一起打發。

4. A材料分3次,用刮刀拌入奶油糊中,拌勻就好,不可過度攪拌,最後再拌進核桃,將麵糊倒入的模型中。

5. C材料除了核桃外,在一碗中用叉子拌勻,大約像餅乾屑那樣的質地,再拌入核桃。(在這裡的奶油是剛從冰箱裡拿出來,還硬硬的) 將拌好的C材料灑在麵糊上面。

6. 進烤箱烤約50-55分鐘,直到筷子插入中心出來不帶麵糊,就可以出爐了。放涼15分鐘後,再用兩手抓住烤盤紙,把烤好的香蕉麵包整個提出來(如影片),放空心架上,除去烤盤紙放涼。

香蕉核桃麵包 香蕉核桃麵包   







Banana Walnut Bread


A Ingredients          1 ¾ cup

Sugar                           1 cup

Baking powder             2 teaspoon

Baking soda                 ½ teaspoon

Salt                              ¼ teaspoon


B Ingredients

Butter, slight soften      1/3 cup

Mashed banana                 3 banana

Honey                                2 tablespoon

Milk                                   2 tablespoon

Walnuts                             ¼ cup


C Ingredients

Rolled oats                   ¼ cup

Brown sugar                  2 tablespoon

Ground cinnamon       1/8 teaspoon

Butter, chilled                1 tablespoon

Walnuts                          2 tablespoon



1. Preheat oven 350°F/180°CCut a piece of parchment paper big enough to cover the bottom of a loaf pan and comes up on both long sides, spray with cooking spary. 

2. Measure all A ingredients into a mixing bowl. 

3. Cream the butter in a mixing bowl, add the mashed banana, honey, and milk in batches, beat until blended. 

4. Add A ingredients in 3 batches, fold into butter mixture with a rubber spatula, do not over mix.  Stir in the walnuts last, then pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan. 

5. Place all C Ingredients, except the walnuts, into a mixing bowl, cut the butter into the mix until the mixture resembled coarse crumbs, then stir in walnuts.

6. Bake in the oven 55-55 minutes, until stick inserted into center comes out clean.  Remove from oven, let cool 15 minutes.  Pull the bread loaf out of the loaf pan by pulling the excess parchment paper, place onto wire rack, remove the parchment paper, let cool 15 more minutes before slicing. 


Serving: 1 loaf



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