
蛋派誰家都會做,用黑胡椒肉眼排的第一次看到吧?! 切小塊是想說這樣一塊牛排可以好多人吃,省錢,唉,我家實在是太愛吃肉了,還是要節制點才好。這個肉眼排切剩的骨頭,就由我這個大廚解決,誰知怎著,居然把下門牙啃掉一小塊,半粒芝麻大小,害我還花了美金$45看醫生,這錢拿來買牛排都可以買好多塊了,真划不來,回家趕緊找鈣片和維骨力來吃,沒牙就甭吃肉了!!


份量: 1



奶油                      230

奶油起司              170

中筋麵粉               230




液態奶油        ½

鮮奶                ½

                    ¼ 小匙



厚肉眼排                1


大粒黑胡椒粉        1 大匙

橄欖油                    1 大匙



1. 預熱烤箱375°F。將A材料用酥皮切刀拌勻切碎, 揉成一團,用桿麵棍揉成麵皮,約1 公分厚,用適當大小的圓型切刀切出適當大小的圓型麵皮,用手指捏鋪到迷你瑪芬烤盤中。

2. B料在一碗中拌勻,倒入瑪芬烤盤的麵皮中,375°F烤約18分鐘或是到金黃。

3. 烤的時候可以準備牛排料,將鹽與黑胡椒粉灑到牛排上醃一下,在一平底鍋中加熱橄欖油將牛排煎到7分熟,拿出鍋放一盤中靜置10分鐘,再切塊,保存鍋中湯汁。

4. 將烤好的蛋派排上約3-4 塊的小牛排塊,再淋鍋中湯汁,要是湯汁太稀,可以再煮一下收濃稠一些。


*自己在家裡舉行英式下午茶會!!! 美麗的粉紅玫瑰花是爸媽在後院種的,被我偷剪了好幾朵下來插瓶。



Mini Quiches  



Steak au Poivre Quiches


A Ingredients

Butter                          1 cup

Cream cheese              6 oz

All purpose flour         2 cups

B Ingredients

Eggs                        3 pieces

Half & half              1 cup

Salt                          ¼ teaspoon


C Ingredients

Rib eye steak                              1 piece

Salt                                                to taste

Black pepper, coarse grind        1 tablespoon

Olive Oil                                    1 tablespoon


1. Preheat oven 375°F. Place all A ingredients into a bowl, using a pastry cutter, cut all ingredients together.  Using your hands to form a ball, then punch down and roll out with a rolling pin, around ½ inch thick, then cut out rounds with a cookie cutter and line a mini muffin baking pan with the round dough. 

2. Mix B Ingredients in a bowl, pour into the dough cups, bake at 375°F for 18 minutes or until golden. 

3. Meanwhile, prepare the steak.  Sprinkle the steak with salt and pepper, let sit a few minutes, then heat up the olive oil in a griddle and cook until medium.  Remove from pan and let rest for about 10 minutes before cutting into cubes, reserve pan juice.

4. Place 3-4 cubes of steak onto the baked quiches, drizzle with pan juice, if the juice is too thin, can cook a bit longer to reduce. 


Servings: 12



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