

復活節的十字麵包不知道是誰發明的,挺有創意的,今天就做一個來應應景吧!! 只是我這個比較像市面上的肉桂捲,比乾乾扁扁的麵包好吃多了!!








份量: 1



高筋麵粉          450


白脫牛奶            80


                         1 小匙


酵母                     2 小匙



奶油                     20

奶油起司             20

葡萄乾               100



紅糖                      ¼

肉桂粉                  2 小匙

奶油                      1 大匙



奶油                      2 大匙

糖粉                     ¾

奶油起司             1 大匙

香草精              1/8 小匙

                        1 小搓



1. 將葡萄乾泡水5分鐘,瀝乾,備用。

2. A材料加入攪拌缸中,用低速打勻,成團後就可以加入奶油和奶油起司。打至發筋後再加入葡萄乾,加入葡萄乾後不要再過度攪拌,基本發酵60分鐘。發酵完拿出後稍整圓,再蓋上讓麵團休息20分鐘。將C料的紅糖和肉桂粉拌勻。

3. 再分割整形成12等份,滾圓,中間發酵20分鐘。拿出用桿麵棍桿成長條狀,抹上奶油,灑些肉桂紅糖,再包捲起來滾圓,放入13x9的麵包模中,最後發酵40 分鐘左右,看天氣。

4. 預熱烤箱350°F,刷上蛋汁,可以灑些花生糖粉,烤約  14-16 分鐘。

5. 麵包烤時可以打D糖霜,將所有D材料倒入一盆中,用電動攪拌器打鬆後,用橡皮刮刀刮入一個擠花袋中,麵包出爐後,放涼10分鐘,再將D材料擠到麵包上畫十字。




DSC07016.JPG DSC07023.JPG   

      皇冠聖誕麵包           意大利聖誕麵包


Hot Cross Buns


A Ingredients

Bread flour           450 g

Water                      80 g

Buttermilk              80 g

Eggs                         2 pieces

Salt                           1 teaspoon

Sugar                      70 g

Dry yeast                  2 teaspoon


B Ingredients

Butter                        20 g

Cream cheese            20 g

Raisins                     100 g


C Ingredients

Brown Sugar            ¼ cup

Ground cinnamon      2 teaspoon

Butter                         1 tablespoon


D Ingredients

Butter                      2 tablespoon

Powder sugar         ¾ cup

Cream cheese          1 tablespoon

Vanilla extract      1/8 teaspoon

Salt                          1 pinch



1. Soak raisins in water for 5 minutes, drain.

2. Put all A ingredients, wet ones first, then dry ones, yeast on top into a mixing bowl of a mixer, with a dough blade, slowly incorporate all the ingredients together, then turn up the speed.  When the blade is able to pick up the whole dough, rub the B butter and cream cheese with the back of a spoon onto the dough.  Beat slowly until incorporated, then turn the speed up.  When the dough looks shiny, pick out a small piece and try to extend it in your hand, see if it can be stretched without breaking to cover your palm.  If not, beat more.  If it stretches without breaking and was able to cover your palm, then add the raisins in, beat very slowly just until incorporated into the dough.  Put the dough into a bowl and raise for an hour, or until doubled in size. 

3. Punch down the dough and roll into a ball, covered and let rest in a warm place for 20 minutes.  Meanwhile, mix the C brown sugar and cinnamon powder together in a bowl. 

4. Divide the dough into 12 equal portions, roll into balls, cover and let rise for 20 minutes.  With a rolling pin, roll each ball out and spread with C butter, then sprinkle with cinnamon brown sugar.  Roll up the dough, and pinch down to close the opening.  Roll each into balls again.  Place in a 13x9 baking pan, let rise for an additional 40 minutes, depends on the room temperature. 

5. Preheat oven to 350°F, brush with egg wash, bake for about 14-16 minutes.

6. Meanwhile, beat all D ingredients with a electric mixer until fluffy, put into a piping bag, set aside. 

7. When the bread is done, let cool 10 minutes, then remove the whole bread onto a wired rack, pipe the D ingredients onto the breads as crosses. 


Serving: 12



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