

這種美乃滋跟平常白色濃濃的美乃滋是不一樣的,蛋用的較少,膽固醇較低,成本也較低,可以存放久一些,打的水水的就可以當沙拉醬了!!! 蛋液有加溫過吃起來也比較安全,自己做一次可以做一大堆,做麵包時可以大量用了!!!


份量: 1


A 材料


蘋果西打醋        10

檸檬汁                  5

砂糖                    30

玉米粉                20



沙拉油             150

                        ½ 小匙

蛋,打散             1



1. A材料在鍋中拌勻後,一面用一隻打蛋器攪拌一面以小火加熱煮至呈透明狀時,關火。將鍋中一小部份(2大匙)的透明A材料舀進B蛋液中,用打蛋器快速打勻,不要讓蛋液變成炒蛋,再慢慢把溫度稍微升高了的蛋液徐徐加回鍋中,一面用打蛋器攪拌,這樣蛋才不會炒熟。開小火再加熱到微微燙舌就可以關火了。放涼備用。

2. 接下來將涼了的A材料放入一電動攪拌器盆中,開高速,徐徐分次加入B材料中的鹽與沙拉油打勻,就是早餐店的透明沙拉醬了,密封冷藏保存。

Food Pix47.jpg  


  DSC06126.Copy.jpg   和風沙拉醬    蜂蜜檸檬波菜沙拉

       豆漿沙拉醬            和風沙拉醬         蜂蜜檸檬菠菜沙拉



Apple Mayonnaise


A Ingredients

Water                         100 g

Apple cider Vinegar    10 g

Lemon juice                  5 g

Sugar                           30 g

Corn starch                 20 g


B Ingredients

Vegetable oil             150 g

Salt                               ½ teaspoon

Egg, beaten                   1 piece




1. Put all A Ingredients in a small medium sauce pan, with low heat, slowly stir with an egg beater and cook till half translucent, remove from heat and scoop 2 tablespoon full of the translucent mixture into the beaten egg to temp the egg, then slow add the egg mixture back into the pot while beating.  Put the pan back onto low heat and stir constantly to prevent lumps.  Cook until the mixture feels slightly hot on your tongue, then remove from heat.  Let cool. 

2. Put the A mixture into a mixing bowl of a electric beater.  Slowly beat in the rest of B ingredients in several batches, store in air-tight containers in the refrigerator. 


Serving: 1 cup


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