

這個甜蜜的餅乾在情人節的時候一次可以做一大堆,裝在可愛的盒子裡送人最棒了,自己吃也很不錯喔!! 這個餅乾做的對的話,超級香脆!! 照片中的我還另外開了一條香草,每樣都放一些,不用香草也可以喔!!


份量: 24



奶油                 115

糖粉                   50

蛋,稍打散         1

香草精                ½ 小匙

中筋麵粉         200

玉米粉                 3 大匙

泡打粉             2 ¾ 小匙

                         1 小匙



蛋白                    1

糖粉                    1 大匙

方糖,敲碎      75   



奶油,室溫        50       

糖粉                    90

覆盆子莓果醬         適量 



1. A材料的奶油和糖粉打鬆,再加入蛋和香草精一起打勻,再另一個盆中將剩下的A材料過篩,倒入奶油糊中,用刮刀將兩者拌勻混合,不要過度攪拌不然餅乾不夠鬆。

2. 預熱烤箱350°F/180°C。將麵團揉成適當厚度的薄片,用餅乾模型將想要的型狀切出來,將其中一半再切一個中空,放到一平烤盤上,剩下的麵團再揉成一團,重覆動作直到所有的麵團都切成了餅乾。

3. B材料的蛋白打到發泡,打入糖粉,用刷子刷到餅乾上,再將敲碎的方糖灑在上面,放入烤箱考約11 分鐘或到金黃,出爐後放空心架放涼。

4. C材料的奶油和糖粉打成乳脂狀,裝到擠花袋中,用星型的花嘴擠一圈到下層的餅乾上沒有方糖的那一面,再用湯匙放一小杓覆盆子莓果醬到中間,再蓋上中空的上層餅乾,放入密封的罐子中保存。

 甜心餅乾  甜心餅乾  甜心餅乾   


DSC07127.JPG    馬卡龍餅乾水果塔

 雞蛋小圓餅乾     馬卡龍餅乾水果塔

可頌餅乾 Rugelach 白巧克力夏威夷豆餅乾 White Chocolate Macadamia Nuts Cookies

   夏威夷豆餅乾        可頌餅乾  


Sweetheart Cookies

A Ingredients

Butter, room temp           115 g

Powdered sugar                50 g

Egg, beaten                        1 piece

Vanilla extract                   ½ teaspoon

All-purpose flour            200 g

Corn starch                         3 tablespoon

Baking Powder               2 ¾ teaspoon

Salt                                      1 teaspoon


B Ingredients

Egg white                             1 piece

Powdered sugar                    1 tablespoon

Cubed sugar, broken           75 g


C Ingredients

Butter, room temp               50 g

Powdered sugar                    90 g

Raspberry jam                      to taste



1. Beat the butter and powdered sugar in A, then slowly beat in egg and vanilla extract, sift together the rest of the A ingredients and add to the butter cream mixture, fold together with a rubber spatula, do not over mix. 

2. Preheat oven 350°F/180°C.  Roll out the dough onto a lightly floured surface, using a cookie cutter to cut into desired shapesthen cut half of it hallow in the middle, place onto a baking sheet, repeat with the rest of the dough. 

3. Beat the egg whites in B until foamy, beat in the powdered sugar, then brushed onto the cookies, sprinkle with crushed cubed sugar, bake at 350°F/180°C for 11 minutes or until golden brown, transfer onto a wired rack to cool. 

4. Beat together the butter and powdered sugar in C, scoop into a piping bag, use a star tip, pipe a circle onto the solid rounds, onto the side without crushed cubed sugar, then scoop some raspberry jam onto the middle, top with the hallow top cookie, repeat and store in air-tight container. 


Servings: 2 dozen


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