

去菜市場看到好大的酪梨, 一顆要價$80元台幣, 好貴, 但是想吃, 所以還是買回來了, 自從回台灣後, 每天吃香的喝辣的, 就想要吃一點清淡的, 正好乾媽有買了幾顆貴死人的鹹蛋, 就挖了蛋黃來做沙拉了, 台灣的鹹蛋真是好吃耶~

份量: 2 人份


生菜, 切小塊                半顆

酪梨, 去皮切半            半粒

苜宿芽, 洗淨                 半杯

小蕃茄, 切半                 半杯

紅蘿蔔絲                       ¼

鹹蛋黃, 切半                 1

桂冠沙拉美乃滋醬        適量


1. 將酪梨圓圓的底部切一刀, 這樣酪梨才不會再盤中搖晃, 將切下來的那塊酪梨切丁, 若手邊有, 擠一些檸檬汁上去防止酪梨變黑, 將酪梨擺盤,灑上生菜。

2. 再灑上苜宿芽, 小蕃茄和紅蘿蔔絲, 將一整半的鹹蛋黃放到沙拉上面的最中間, 另一半用手捏成小塊, 灑進沙拉中。

3. 淋上桂冠沙拉醬, 手邊有黑胡椒粉的話, 也可以轉一些上去, 若要預先準備, 上桌前請放冰箱。


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BLT瓣生菜沙拉    豪華馬玲薯沙拉    鮮鮪魚奶油果沙拉


Avocado Egg Salad



Lettuce, cut                                      ½ head

Big avocado, slice in half, peeled      ½ head

Alfalfa sprouts                                   ½ cup

Grape tomatos, cut half                    ½ cup

Carrots, shredded                              ¼ cup

Salty duck egg yolk                           1 head

Mayonnaise salad dressing                 to taste



1. Cut off the bottom of the avocado to stabilize it, then put onto the center of a plate.  Cut the bottom piece in cubes, drizzle with lemon juice if there’s any. 

2. Place the lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, grape tomato, and shredded carrots onto the avocado, reserve half of the salty duck egg yolk, squeeze the rest into small chunks, sprinkle onto salad along with the avocado cubes.  Put the half yolk onto the top of the salad. 

3. Drizzle with salad mayonnaise, sprinkle with some black pepper, serve cold. 


Serving: 2


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