
檸檬杯子蛋糕 Lemon Cupcake 

我家老爺今天突然打電話回來說他的上司Steve昨天進醫院了,工作時突然倒下,被送進了醫院,尤於我家老爺是在外面的工地,消息晚了一天,今天下班後衝到LA 的醫院去看Steve。雖然不是直屬上司,這位老闆平常幽默風趣,花大把銀子在自家院子裡建了一座鯉魚池,連領帶上都有鯉魚,又喜歡東方文化,特別喜歡東方人的我,公司如果有宴會,他和太太一定會跟我們坐在一起,聽到他病了,心裡很難過,送一盆自己插的花過去,外加這些美味的檸檬杯子蛋糕,希望他能快些好起來。


份量: 24



檸檬蛋糕預拌粉           1


蔬菜油                        1/3

                              1 1/3



糖粉                     2

檸檬皮屑             1 小匙

檸檬汁                 1 大匙

奶油,冰的        ¼

黃色食用色素     1 小滴

液態奶油             1 大匙




1. A材料全部拌勻。

2. 拿一個瑪芬烤盤,放入瑪芬烤盤紙,倒入A材料,大約7分滿,進預熱 375 度的烤箱,18分鐘或到金黃。

3. B材料(液態奶油除外)用電動攪拌器拌勻,最後才拌入液態奶油,蓋上放冰箱。

4. 蛋糕涼了後用刀子或是花嘴上檸檬奶油,可以放糖果,或是糖花裝飾。

檸檬杯子蛋糕 Lemon Cupcake  


Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜

       蜜棗核桃蛋糕 Cake with Walnuts and Dates                  奶油核果蛋糕 Butter Pecan Bar

    蜜棗核桃蛋糕      奶油核果蛋糕



Lemon Cupcake


A Ingredients

Lemon cake mix       1 box

Eggs                          3 pieces

Vegetable oil          1/3 cup

Water                  1 1/3 cup


B Ingredients

Powdered sugar              2 cups

Lemon zest                     1 teaspoon

Lemon juice                    1 tablespoon

Butter, chilled                ¼ cup

Yellow food coloring      1 drop

Heavy whipping cream    1 tablespoon




1. Mix all A ingredients together.

2. Line a muffin pan with muffin cups, pour A mixture into it, about2/3 of the muffin cup, bake at 375 for about 18 minutes or until golden brown. 

3. Reserve the food coloring and heavy whipping cream, put the rest of the B ingredients into a medium mixing bowl, using an electric mixer, beat until smooth, then add the reserved food coloring and heavy whipping cream.

4. Using a pallet knife or pastry bag, spread the lemon frosting onto the cupcakes, decorate with candies or royal icing flowers. 


Serving: 24


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